| | | WR90 WAVEGUIDE: 8.2-12.4 GHz | |
AIRCOM | 120X00 | $75.00 | WR90 Low Power Termination, 1 Watt, VSWR<1.05 | 1 |
AIRTRON | 19263-D | $60.00 | WR90 Feedthru Bulkhead, 4 inches length, 3.5 inch diameter 6-hole mounting, aluminum, cover/choke flanges | 4 |
AIRTRON | 65195 | $50.00 | WR90 Bulkhead Adapter, 4 inches length, on 3.5 inch diameter 6-hole bulkhead, aluminum, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
AIRTRON | AF-3B-090-12 | $85.00 | WR90 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 12 inches length, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
AIRTRON | LA-19116 | $45.00 | WR90 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 4.3 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
AIRTRON | PD85S-0058-19 | $50.00 | WR90 Jacketed Flexible 90 degree H-Plane Bend, 2.7 inch bend radius, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
AIRTRON | TFT-64096 | $125.00 | WR90 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide Section, 30.5 inches length, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
ALCATEL | 094-106323-101 | $115.00 | WR90 Circulator, 18 dB isolation, 8.2-12.4 GHz, SMA(f) port 1/ WR90 port 2/ SMA(f) port 3, aluminum body | 1 |
AMERICAN ELEC. LABS | H-6000 | $250.00 | WR90 Left Hand Circular Polaized Horn Antenna, 10-12 dBi gain, 8.2-12.4 GHz, with dust cover | 2 |
AMERICON | 0101-62540 | $95.00 | WR90 x TNC(m) Adapter | 2 |
AMPHENOL | 131-1202 | $85.00 | WR90 x APC7 Adapter | 1 |
ANDREW | 54418A-90 | $165.00 | CPR90G x N(f) Adapter, brass body | 1 |
ANDREW | 55000A-90 | $90.00 | CPR90F (flat flange) Pressure Window, 10 PSI, with gasket *new old stock* | 2 |
ANDREW | 55402-90-14 | $60.00 | CPR90G 90 degree E-Plane Bend, brass, 3.5 inch bend radius, grooved flanges *new old stock* | 7 |
ANDREW | 55437-90 | $85.00 | CPR90 (grooved ) x CMR90 Adapter, 4 inches length *new old stock* | 11 |
ANDREW | 62901-90 | $125.00 | CPR90G (grooved flange) Low Power Termination, 2 Watts, 1.02 VSWR, 10.7-11.7 GHz, brass body, 2.75 inches length | 1 |
ANDREW | 65084-24 | $175.00 | CPR90G Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 24 inches length, brass, grooved/grooved flanges | 2 |
ANDREW | 66078-7 | $100.00 | CPR90G (grooved flange) x WR75 Taper Section, 3.38 inches length, brass | 1 |
ANDREW | C090-CNSG | $145.00 | CPR90G (grooved flange) X N(f) Adapter, brass body | 4 |
ANDREW | D-090-CCBN | $75.00 | CPR90G (grooved flanges) 90 degree Twist Section, 8 inches length, brass | 1 |
ANDREW | H090MC091C091SG | $75.00 | CPR90 (grooved flanges) 90 degree H-Plane Bend, brass | 2 |
ANDREW | UG39/CPR90G adapter | $60.00 | CPR90G (grooved flange) x UG39/U Flange Adapter, brass, 0.37 inch thickness | 2 |
ANDREW | WFT-90-36 | $175.00 | WR90 Flexible/ Twistable Jacketed Waveguide, 36 inches length, brass | 1 |
ANDREW | WFTP-90-36 | $195.00 | CPR90G Flexible/ Twistable Jacketed Waveguide, 36 inches length, brass, grooved/grooved flanges | 2 |
ARRA | 90-440-06 | $45.00 | WR90 90 degree Twist Section, silver/brass | 2 |
ARRA | 90-460M | $95.00 | WR90 x N(m) Adapter | 1 |
ARRA | 90-462 | $95.00 | WR90 x SMA(f) Adapter | 1 |
ARRA | 90-463 | $95.00 | WR90 x APC7 Adapter | 1 |
ARRA | 90-600-30A | $135.00 | WR90 4-Port Crossguide Couplrer, unterminated, 30 dB coupling, thru-line cover flanges/ coupled arm choke flanges, aluminum | 1 |
ARRA | AW1829B | $235.00 | CPR90 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling, directivity 40 dB, N(f) coupled port, 15 inches length | 3 |
ARRA | AW1861 | $45.00 | CPR90 Offset Short, 1 wavelngth at 11.2 GHz | 1 |
ARRA | X280B | $135.00 | WR90 Hybrid Tee, 3.1 inches length, brass | 2 |
ARRA | X600-20 | $100.00 | WR90 4-Port Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling | 1 |
ARRA | X880 | $50.00 | WR90 Positive Polarity Detector, 1N23 diode cartridge, BNC(f) output | 2 |
ASAP AEROSPACE | 90-FJ-40-KKA | $115.00 | WR90 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 36 inches. length, aluminum, choke flanges | 1 |
ATM | 90-201B-2 | $145.00 | CPR90F x SMA(f) End Launch Adapter, brass body, flat flange | 2 |
ATM | 90-203B-6 | $125.00 | WR90 x N(f) End Launch Adapter | 1 |
ATM | 90-253-2 | $145.00 | CPR90F x N(f) Adapter, brass body, flat flange | 8 |
ATM | 90-745-6 | $295.00 | WR90 High Power Termination, 500 Watts average/ 225 kW peak power, 1.10 VSWR | 10 |
BENDIX | WXA-007 | $95.00 | WR90 Loop Coupler, 30 dB coupling to SMA(f) port, 1 inch insertion length, aluminum | 2 |
BENDIX | WXA-2 | $95.00 | WR90 Loop Coupler, 20 dB coupling to SMA(f), 1 inch insertion length, aluminum | 1 |
BOGART | X-4063 | $275.00 | WR90 High Power Termination, 500 Watts average/ 290 kW peak | 1 |
BOMAC | BLP-059 | $275.00 | WR90 4-port Hybrid Variable Power Divider, 8.5-9.6 GHz, 400 kW pressurized/ 200 kW unpressurized, uncalibrated drive | 1 |
BUDD STANLEY | X1246A | $40.00 | WR90 90 degree E-Plane Bend | 1 |
CASCADE RESEARCH | X442 | $185.00 | WR90 Dual Pass (4-port) Circulator, 20 dB isolation, 8.2-9.6 GHz, 8.5 inches length | 1 |
CASWELL ELECTRONICS | X-101-H | $165.00 | WR90 Isolator, 40 dB, 8.5-11.5 GHz, 8.5 inches length, 10 Watts maximum | 1 |
CMT | RA90-N-F | $100.00 | WR90 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
CMT | RCC-90-3-SMA-F-60-5A1A1A | $265.00 | WR90 3-port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler (internally terminated), 60 dB coupling, SMA(f) coupled port, 3.5 inches insertion length, aluminum, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
CMT | RS90-1B-5B-10-C | $90.00 | WR90 Straight Section, 10 inches length, brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
CMT | TX90-2A | $275.00 | WR90 Standard Gain Horn, 19.6 dBi gain mid-band | 1 |
CMT | WS90 & WSP90 | $165.00 | WR90 1/4-wave Offset (9.703mm) & WR90 Flush Short, with guide pins | 1 |
COMMSCOPE | C090-CNSG | $145.00 | CPR90G (grooved flange) x N(f) Adapter | 3 |
CONNECTICUT MICROWAVE | 334031 | $100.00 | WR90 Sampling Coupler, 60 dB, 9.2-9.5 GHz, SMA(f) coupled port, 2.62 inch length, aluminum | 2 |
CO-OP INDUSTRIES | 90A22N-1800 | $85.00 | WR90 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 18 inches length, aluminum, cover/choke flanges | 2 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | | $165.00 | WR90 Dual Directional Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling, N(f) coupled ports, internally terminated coupled arms, 4.5 inches length | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBG-274-6 | $45.00 | WR90 90 degree Twist Section, 6 inches length, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBG-520-15 | $200.00 | WR90 Standard Gain Horn, 15 dBi gain mid-band | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBG-520-20 | $425.00 | WR90 Standard Gain Horn, 20 dBi gain mid-band | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBG-620 | $75.00 | WR90 Series (E-Plane) Tee, 3.75 inches length | 2 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBG-630 | $75.00 | WR90 Shunt (H-Plane) Tee, 3.75 inches length | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBG-631-30 | $135.00 | WR90 3-Port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB coupling | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBG-710-3 | $195.00 | WR90 Direct Reading Freq. Meter, transmission type, 0.08% acc. | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBG-979-1 | $175.00 | WR90 E-H Plane Tuner, vernier read drives | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBG-X-487-1 | $65.00 | WR90 Directional Coupler, 10 dB, 8.8-9.8 GHz, 5-1/4 inch length | ASK* |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBG-X-487-2 | $65.00 | WR90 Dir. Cplr., 10 dB, 8.8-9.8 GHz, SMA(f) thru-line output | ASK* |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBG-X-487-3 | $65.00 | WR90 Dir. Cplr., 10 dB, 8.8-9.8 GHz, SMA(f) coupled port output | ASK* |
DIAMOND ANTENNA | 3-830 | $150.00 | WR90 Directional Coupler, 3 dB coupling | 3 |
DIAMOND ANTENNA | 849 | $165.00 | WR90 Standard Gain Horn, 15 dBi gain mid-band | 1 |
E&M LABS | X101R3 | $195.00 | WR90 Rotary Joint, S-shape, 5.2 inches length, 1.6 inches center-to-center input/output with parallel H planes | 1 |
E&M LABS | X110LI | $145.00 | WR90 Isolator, 20 dB, 8.2-12.4 GHz | 1 |
E&M LABS | X165LI | $50.00 | WR90 Isolator, 25 dB, 9.8-10.0 GHz, 1.5 inch length | 1 |
E&M LABS | X185LI | $65.00 | WR90 Isolator, 30 dB, 9-10 GHz, 2.5 inches length | 1 |
E&M LABS | X627LI | $150.00 | WR90 Isolator, 20 dB, 8.2-12.4 GHz, 10 Watts average power maximum | 2 |
E&M LABS | X967LI | $165.00 | WR90 Isolator, 30 dB, 8.2-12.4 GHz, 10 Watts average power maximum | 1 |
E&M LABS | X992LI | $115.00 | WR90 Isolator, 35 dB, 8.5-9.6 GHz, 10 Watts maximum, 3.25 inches length | 1 |
FAIRVIEW MICROWAVE | SMF-90SA-12 | $100.00 | CPR90G (grooved flanges) Straight Section, 12 inches length, brass | 5 |
FARINON | WR90-WR75 | $85.00 | WR90 x WR75 Single Step Taper, 1.75 inch length, brass | 2 |
FERROCOM | 9052-SFO | $90.00 | WR90 Iso-Adapter, 20 dB, 8.2-12.4 GHz, WR90 in/ SMA(f) out | 3 |
FERROTEC | I-155L | $195.00 | WR90 Isolator, 35 dB, 8.2-12.4 GHz, 10 Watts maximum, 6.25 inches length | 1 |
FERROTEC | I-217-L-A | $50.00 | WR90 Isolator, 30 dB, 8.2-8.9 GHz, 3 inches length | 2 |
FERROTEC | I-217-L-B | $50.00 | WR90 Isolator, 30 dB, 8.7-9.8 GHz, 3 inches length | 2 |
FERROTEC | I-409-LA | $75.00 | WR90 Isolator, 30 dB, 10-11 GHz, 3 inches length, 5 Watts maximum average power | 1 |
FERROTEC | I-409-LB | $75.00 | WR90 Isolator, 25 dB, 9.5-10.5 GHz, 3 inches length, 5 Watts maximum average power | 1 |
FLANN MICROWAVE | 1610 | $175.00 | WR90 High Power Load, 240 Watts average power | 1 |
FLANN MICROWAVE | 16131-AD | $295.00 | WR90 4-Port Unterminated Broadwall Coupler, 3 dB coupling, SMA(f) coupled ports, 30 dB directivity with Weinschel M1406A SMA termination (included) | 1 |
FREQUENCY ENGINEERING LABS | K-105319301 | $195.00 | WR90 Standard Gain Horn, 15 dBi gain mid-band | 1 |
FTX/MICROLAB | X630A | $150.00 | WR90 Adjustable Short, vernier read scale | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | DA-146/U | $275.00 | WR90 High Power Load, 500 Watts average/ 290 kW peak | 2 |
FXR/MICROLAB | WE-A86 | $165.00 | WR90 Medium Power Load, unfinned, 150 Watts average/ 350 kW peak | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | WF-0055 | $325.00 | WR90 High Power Load, 500 Watts average/ 290 kW peak | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | WG-0055 | $295.00 | WR90 High Power Load, 500 Watts average/ 350 kW peak | 2 |
FXR/MICROLAB | WL-0055 (WE-C36) | $225.00 | WR90 Liquid Cooled Load, 3 kW average/ 1.75 MW peak power, 1 gallon per minute minimum flow rate, 50 PSI max. coolant pressure *marked as part no. WE-C36* | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | WL-B43 | $100.00 | WR90 Short Body Liquid Cooled Load, 3.5 inches length including mounting flange | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | X155A | $145.00 | WR90 Direct Reading Variable Attenuator, 0-20 dB | 2 |
FXR/MICROLAB | X157A | $175.00 | WR90 Isolator, 30 dB, 8.2-12.4 GHz, 10 Watts maximum | 2 |
FXR/MICROLAB | X175A-10' | $115.00 | WR90 Precision Attenuator, 10 dB, 5 Watts maximum | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | X211A | $50.00 | WR90 Detector Mount for 1N23 diode, BNC(f) output | 5 |
FXR/MICROLAB | X311S | $125.00 | WR90 Slide Screw Tuner, vernier drives | 3 |
FXR/MICROLAB | X411B | $235.00 | WR90 Direct Reading Frequency Meter,8.2-12.4 GHz, with N(f) coupled cavity bandpass output, 2 MHz bandwidth, at -20 dB from input level | 2 |
FXR/MICROLAB | X501B | $115.00 | WR90 Low Power Termination, 3 Watts maximum, 1.015 VSWR | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | X501C | $115.00 | WR90 Low Power Termination, 3 Watts maximum, 1.015 VSWR | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | X502A | $100.00 | WR90 Sliding Load, 0.5 Watt, 1.01 VSWR | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | X510D | $135.00 | WR90 Standard Mismatch, 1.20 VSWR | 2 |
FXR/MICROLAB | X510E | $135.00 | WR90 Standard Mismatch, 1.50 VSWR | 2 |
FXR/MICROLAB | X610C | $175.00 | WR90 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling | 4 |
FXR/MICROLAB | X623B | $40.00 | WR90 90 degree E-Plane Bend | 3 |
FXR/MICROLAB | X624B | $40.00 | WR90 90 degree H-Plane Bend | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | X6251A | $50.00 | WR90 90 degree Twist Section, 5.25 inches length | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | X630C | $150.00 | WR90 Adjustable Short, micrometer drive | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | X641A | $165.00 | WR90 DPDT Transfer Switch, manually operated, switch rotates an H plane bend | 4 |
GALVIN | 59K-108067 | $75.00 | WR90 Pressurization Section, 3.5 inches length, two 3/8"NPT inlets/one with 0-15 PSI guage, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
GENERAL PRECISION | CU-323/APN-81 | $50.00 | WR90 Short Body Directional Coupler, 20 dB coupling, 8.2-8.6 GHz, N(f) coupled port, directivity 20 dB, cover/choke flanges, aluminum, 5 inches length | 1 |
GENERIC | CMR90 x WR90 | $60.00 | CMR90 x WR90 (UG39) Flange Adapter, 2 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | CPR90G load | $95.00 | CPR90G (grooved flange) Low Power Termination, 2 Watts, 1.05 VSWR, 3.45 inches length | 1 |
GENERIC | WR90 15.68" | $95.00 | WR90 Straight Section, 15.68 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR90 45 dB crossguide | $95.00 | WR90 3-port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 42 dB coupling, 3.95 inches insrtion length, brass, choke flanges on thru-line, cover flange on coupled port | 1 |
GENERIC | WR90 flex 11.62" | $75.00 | WR90 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 11.62 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR90 flex 4.4" | $45.00 | WR90 Unjacketed Flexible Waveguide, 4.4 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR90 flex 4.5" | $45.00 | WR90 Unjacketed Flexible Waveguide, 4.5 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR90 flex 5.45" | $45.00 | WR90 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 5.45 inches length, silver/brass, choke/choke flanges | 1 |
GENERIC | WR90 H tee | $65.00 | WR90 H-Plane (Shunt) Tee, 4 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR90 half height transition | $75.00 | WR90 UG39/U Flange to WR90 half-height (0.55 X 1.75" flange) Stepped Transition, aluminum, 3 inches length | 1 |
GENERIC | WR90 horn 15 dBi | $65.00 | WR90 Pyramidal Horn Antenna, 15 dBi gain, 6.5 inches length, brass, choke flange | 1 |
GENERIC | WR90 pickup horn | $40.00 | WR90 Pickup Horn, 9 dBi gain, cast aluminum, 1.1 inch length x 2.75 x 2.0 inch aperture | 1 |
GENERIC | WR90 pickup horn | $45.00 | WR90 Pickup Horn, 8 dBi gain, 2 inches length, 2.62 x 1.12 inch aperture | 1 |
GENERIC | WR90 sidewall | $100.00 | WR90 Short Body Sidewall Dir.Coupler, 20 dB, 8.2-10.6 GHz, 9 in. | 1 |
GENERIC | WR90 variable atten | $60.00 | WR90 Variable Attenuator, 0-35 dB, calibrated drive, 4 inches length, aluminum, choke flanges | 1 |
GENERIC | WR90 x circular waveguide | $75.00 | WR90 UG39/U Flange to 0.98 inch diameter Circular Waveguide transition, 7.75 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR90 x square wg | $60.00 | WR90 (UG39/U flange) to 0.9 inch Square Waveguide Transition, square side has UG39/U flange dimensions & hole pattern, 2.75 inches length, brass | 1 |
HARRIS FARINON | 094-106323 | $85.00 | Circulator, 20 dB isolation, 9.5-12.0 GHz, input (port 1) and output (port 2) are SMA female, port 3 for termination is WR90 | 2 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | 11521A | $95.00 | WR90 Single Ended Mixer | 3 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | 8735A | $125.00 | WR90 PIN Modulator, 35 dB isolation, <4 dB ins.loss, 30 nS Tr | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | 8735B | $195.00 | WR90 PIN Modulator, 80 dB isolation, <5 dB ins.loss, 30 nS Tr | 2 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X281A | $115.00 | WR90 x N(f) Adapter, VSWR 1.25 | 15 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X281B | $115.00 | WR90 x APC7 Adapter, VSWR 1.25 | 8 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X281B-013 | $115.00 | WR90 x N(f) Adapter, VSWR 1.25 | 2 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X281C | $395.00 | WR90 x APC7 Adapter, VSWR 1.05 | 7 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X281C-012 | $395.00 | WR90 x N(m) Adapter, VSWR 1.05 | 2 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X290A | $25.00 | WR90 Cover flange to Choke flange Adapter, 0.5 inch length | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X370B | $95.00 | WR90 6 dB Fixed Attenuator, 1 Watt maximum | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X370C | $95.00 | WR90 10 dB Fixed Attenuator, 1 Watt maximum | 2 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X370D | $95.00 | WR90 20 dB Fixed Attenuator, 1 Watt maximum | 2 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X372C | $150.00 | WR90 Precision Fixed Attenuator, 10 dB, 2 Watts maximum | 2 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X375A | $150.00 | WR90 Direct Reading Variable Attenuator, 0-20 dB, 1 Watt max. | 10 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X382A | $300.00 | WR90 Precision Direct Reading Attenuator, 0-50 dB | 9 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X421A | $65.00 | WR90 Crystal Detector, negative polarity | 8 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X424A | $125.00 | WR90 Crystal Detector, negative polarity, BNC(f) output | 9 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X424A-002 | $150.00 | WR90 Crystal Detector, neg. pol., with matched load, BNC(f) output | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X424A-K12 | $195.00 | WR90 Planar Doped Barrier Diode Detector, negative polarity, BNC(f) output | 4 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X485B | $125.00 | WR90 Tunable Detector Mount, neg. polarity, uncalibrated drive | 2 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X486A | $250.00 | WR90 Thermistor Mount, for HP 432 series power meters | 11 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X532B | $175.00 | WR90 Direct Reading Frequency Meter, 0.08% accuracy | 6 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X750D | $150.00 | WR90 4-Port Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling | 6 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X750E | $150.00 | WR90 4-Port Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB coupling | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X752A | $275.00 | WR90 Directional Coupler, 3 dB coupling | 5 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X752C | $275.00 | WR90 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling | 13 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X752C(CMR) | $275.00 | CMR90 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling | 5 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X752D | $275.00 | WR90 Directional Coupler, 20 dB coupling | 12 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X870A | $145.00 | WR90 Slide Screw Tuner, vernier read | 13 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X880A | $195.00 | WR90 E-H Plane Tuner, uncalibrated drives | 10 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X885A | $400.00 | WR90 Direct Reading Phase Shifter, 0-360 degrees | 6 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X910B | $145.00 | WR90 Low Power Termination, 0.5 Watt, 1.015 VSWR | 10 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X914A | $125.00 | WR90 Moving Load | 2 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X914B | $150.00 | WR90 Moving Load, 1 Watt, 1.01 VSWR | 4 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X916C | $150.00 | WR90 Standard Reflection, 1.22 VSWR/ 0.10 reflection coefficient | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X916D | $150.00 | WR90 Standard Reflection, 1.35 VSWR/ 0.15 reflection coefficient | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X916E | $150.00 | WR90 Standard Reflection, 1.50 VSWR/ 0.20 reflection coefficient | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X920A | $150.00 | WR90 Adjustable Short, uncalibrated drive | 8 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | X930A | $95.00 | WR90 Shorting Switch | 4 |
HUBER + SUHNER | 3102-M | $95.00 | WR90 x SMA(m) Adapter | 1 |
HUGGINS | HF-8224 | $195.00 | WR90 Isolator, 40 dB, 8.2-12.4 GHz, 10 Watts average power maximum | 1 |
INNOVATECH | 086523367001 | $35.00 | WR90 90 degree E-Plane Mitre Bend, assymetrical 0.80 x 1.38 inch leg lengths, aluminum * | 18 |
INNOVATECH | CPR90G/TAP-UG39/CLR | $65.00 | CPR90G to UG39 WR90 Flange Adapter, brass, 4.19 inches length *new old stock* | 17 |
INTERNATIONAL TELECOMM. COMPONENTS | 30X-1B1 | $135.00 | CPR90 Low Power Termination, 2 Watts, 1.035 VSWR maximum | 1 |
INTERNATIONAL TELECOMM. COMPONENTS | 40X-1B1-10 | $265.00 | CPR90 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling, directivity 40 dB, 17 inches length, brass | 1 |
JAPAN RADIO CO. | NJC-3901 | $90.00 | WR90 Circulator, 20 dB isolation, 8.4-9.7 GHz, 1.93 inch length | 2 |
KEARFOTT | C-9941 | $35.00 | WR90 Isolator, 20 dB, 8.2-9.2 GHz | 6 |
KEARFOTT | J222 | $135.00 | WR90 Matched Hybrid Tee | 1 |
KEARFOTT | W116-1A | $75.00 | WR90 Series (E-Plane) Tee, 4 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
L3-HARRIS | 148326-1 | $75.00 | WR90 Straight Section, 8.62 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
LITTON | AT19B-090-N-18.0 | $135.00 | CPR90G Twistable/ Flexible Jacketed Waveguide, 18 inches length, aluminum, grooved/grooved flanges | 3 |
LOGUS MICROWAVE | LOX-170B | $235.00 | WR90 DPDT Motorized Switch, 28V 400mA, failsafe | 1 |
LRL | 511 | $75.00 | WR90 H-Plane (Shunt) Tee, 3 inches length | 2 |
LUCAS AEROSPACE | NT1H-45AF | $75.00 | WR90 Short Body Termination, 1.1 VSWR, 5 Watts, brass body, 2.1 inch length | 2 |
M.C.S. | X-2393 | $150.00 | WR90 Manual DPDT Transfer Switch, H-plane switching, 3.75 x 3.75 x 4.0 inch dimensiions | 1 |
M.C.S. | X-274 | $75.00 | WR90 Switchable Attenuator, 0 or 40 dB | 1 |
M.C.S. | X362B | $150.00 | WR90 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling | 1 |
M.C.S. | X-402 | $125.00 | WR90 DPDT Dual Transfer Switch, manual operation | 1 |
M/A-COM | 505186 | $350.00 | WR90 (9.0-9.6 GHz) and WR34 (32.1-33.1 GHz) Dual Waveguide Straight Roary Joint, 9.18 inch length, cover/choke langes, tested to 20 PSI, VSWR<1.25 *new old stock, with test data* | 1 |
MACOM | MA-14090-CP | $90.00 | CPR90F Pressure Window, 10 PSI *new old stock* | 8 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | X200B2 | $225.00 | WR90 x 3.5mm(m) Adapter, 1.05 VSWR | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | X209D2 | $195.00 | WR90 x APC7 Adapter, 1.05 VSWR | 3 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | X213D2 | $195.00 | WR90 x N(f) Adapter, 1.05 VSWR | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | X214D | $185.00 | WR90 x N(m) Adapter, 1.25 VSWR *new old stock* | 4 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | X229A1 | $195.00 | WR90 x APC7 End Launch Adapter, 1.10 VSWR | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | X230K1 | $325.00 | WR90 x 3.5mm female NMD End Launch Adapter, 1.10 VSWR | 2 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | X236A1 | $325.00 | WR90 x 2.4mm female Adapter, 1.10 VSWR | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | X301A | $115.00 | WR90 Low Power Termination, 1.015 VSWR, 1 Watt | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | X313 | $225.00 | WR90 Sliding Termination, 2 Watts maximum, 1.01 VSWR | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | X320E | $185.00 | WR90 Standard Mismatch, 1.50 VSWR | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | X340B3 | $95.00 | WR90 3/8-wavelength Offset Short | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | X750B | $165.00 | WR90 Isolator, 25 dB, 10 Watts maximum | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | X750B | $150.00 | WR90 Isolator, 20 dB, 8.2-12.0 GHz | 1 |
MCCI WIRELESS | 16A3ST-40 | $90.00 | WR90 Straight Section, 40 inches length, aluminum, cover/choke langes | 2 |
MDL | 89PE26-1E | $145.00 | WR90 Variable Phase Shifter, 0-180 degrees, uncalibrated screwdriver drive, 3 inches length *new old stock* | 1 |
MDL | 90AC106-2F | $95.00 | WR90 (choke flange) x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
MDL | 90AC46-1E | $95.00 | WR90 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
MDL | 90AC46-1F | $95.00 | WR90 (choke flange) x N(f) Adapter | 2 |
MDL | 90AC569-4 | $95.00 | WR90 (choke flange) x SMA(f) Adapter | 1 |
MDL | 90AC96-1E | $95.00 | WR90 x SMA male Adapter | 1 |
MDL | 90AS66-1E | $50.00 | WR90 Level Set Attenuator, 0-25 dB, uncalibrated drive, 2.5 inches length, aluminum | 2 |
MDL | 90CT96-1C | $145.00 | WR90 Short Body Directional Coupler, 6 dB coupling, directivity >27 dB, 8.5 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
MDL | 90DH449 | $45.00 | WR90 Detector Mount (1n@# diode), positive polarity, SMA(f) output | 1 |
MDL | 90FC176-1 | $150.00 | WR90 Short Body 18 dB Dir.Coupler, directivity 25 dB, 10 inches | 1 |
MDL | 90FC29-1 | $125.00 | WR90 Directional Coupler, 17 dB coupling, N(f) coupled port | 1 |
MDL | 90FR79 | $100.00 | WR90 8.96 GHz Notch Filter, -45 dB 8.958-8.968 GHz, -3 dB at 8.950 & 8.975 GHz, otherwise <1 dB loss 8.2-12.4 GHz, 7.8 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
MDL | 90LW26-1E | $125.00 | WR90 Medium Power Termination, 75 Watts average | 1 |
MDL | 90-TWiI8-2F | $45.00 | WR90 90 degree Stepped Twist Section, 2.3 inch length, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
MDL | 90XT219-1 | $95.00 | WR90 4-Port Crossguide Coupler, 15 dB coupling | 2 |
MDL | 90XT426-9E | $95.00 | WR90 4-Port Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling, choke flanges | 1 |
MICRO PRECISION | MPWTCA-90-S-F | $95.00 | WR90 x SMA(f) Adapter | 1 |
MICRO PRECISION | MP-WTCA-90-S-M | $95.00 | WR90 x SMA(m) Adapter | 1 |
MICRO PRECISION | WR90 BPFL | $95.00 | WR90 Band Pass Filter,11.24-11.31 GHz, 4 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
MICRONETICS | 720 | $175.00 | WR90 Medium Power Load, 150 Watts average/ 290 kW peak, 5.6 inches length, aluminum | 8 |
MICRO-RADIONICS | C994-100102 | $60.00 | WR90 Isolator, 20 dB, 8.2-8.9 GHz, 2.5 inches length | 1 |
MICROTECH | 207125 | $95.00 | WR90 x TNC(f) Adapter | 6 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | 660A-2 | $35.00 | WR90 choke-choke flange Adapter, 0.82 inch length, two UG40/U flanges | 2 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | 8R22-S005 | $50.00 | WR90 Isolator, 18 dB, 9.2-9.7 GHz, 0.5 inch insertion length | 1 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | MA-1160L-5003 | $45.00 | WR90 Isolator, 20 dB, 8.4-9.0 GHz, cover/choke flanges | 3 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | MA-39050X | $95.00 | WR90 T/R Switch, 2.5 inches length | 1 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | MA-536A | $50.00 | WR90 Crystal Detector, negative polarity | 1 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | MA-562D | $95.00 | WR90 (choke flange) x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | MP5-117C | $75.00 | WR90 Iso-Adapter, 20 dB isolation, 8.2-10.5 GHz, WR90 input/ SMA(f) output | 1 |
MICROWAVE ASSOPCIATES | I-155L | $175.00 | WR90 Isolator, 30 dB, 8.2-12.4 GHz, 10 Watts averge power maximum | 1 |
MICROWAVE DEVELOPMENT | TR64C022 | $95.00 | WR90 x TNC(f) Adapter, with 3/8-NPT pressurization port, aluminum, 2.5 inches length *new old stock* | 15 |
MICROWAVE RESEARCH | 10050M | $85.00 | CMR90 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
MICROWAVE RESEARCH | X200-4N | $325.00 | WR90 Dual Directional Coupler, 40 dB coupling, N(f) coupled ports, directivity >23 dB, 13 inches length | 1 |
MICROWAVE RESEARCH | X40L-7A-SP | $95.00 | WR90 x APC7 Adapter | 3 |
MICROWAVE RESEARCH | X40-NF (CMR) | $95.00 | CMR90 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
MILITARY | 58-29001 | $100.00 | WR90 (choke flange) fed Antenna with two Yagi director elements, approx. 10 dBi gain, 8.8-9.8 GHz, VSWR<1.35, 6 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
MILITARY | 58-29001K01 | $45.00 | WR90 waveguide fed dipole antenna, 8.5-10.5 GHz, 8 dBi gain, aluminum, 6.2 inches length, choke flange input | 1 |
MILITARY | AT-48/UP | $145.00 | WR90 Pyramidal Horn Antenna, 17 dBi gain, with integral transition to N(f) | 1 |
MILITARY | AT-68/UP | $45.00 | WR90 Pickup Horn with integral N(f) input, 6 dBi gain | 1 |
MILITARY | CG-176/AP | $65.00 | WR90 Short Body Sidewall Coupler,20 dB,9-10 GHz, Nf coupled port | 1 |
MILITARY | J1802 | $95.00 | WR90 (choke flange) x N(f) Magnetic Field Transducer, silver/brass | 1 |
MILITARY | SMC-52-4004 | $95.00 | WR90 Directional Coupler, 6 dB coupling | 1 |
MILITARY | TN-191/GPN | $85.00 | WR90 Slide Screw Tuner, calibrated probe & slide drives, 4.75 inches length, brass, choke flanges | 3 |
MILITARY | UG-446A/U | $90.00 | WR90 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
MILITARY | WR90 offset short | $75.00 | WR90 0.25 Wavelength Offset Short at 9.0 GHz, 12.15650mm depth | 1 |
MOTOROLA | X103 | $150.00 | WR90 Isolator, 30 dB, 8.2-12.4 GHz, 10 Watts average power maximum | 1 |
NARDA | 1001 | $100.00 | WR90 4-Port Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling | 1 |
NARDA | 1070-10 | $275.00 | WR90 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling, directivity 40 dB | 2 |
NARDA | 1210 | $195.00 | WR90 Isolator, 30 dB, 8.2-12.4 GHz, 10 Watts average power maximum | 1 |
NARDA | 300 | $125.00 | WR90 Low Power Termination. 1.015 VSWR, 1 Watt maximum | 1 |
NARDA | 320B | $325.00 | WR90 High Power Load, 500 Watts average/ 290 kW peak | 4 |
NARDA | 350E | $40.00 | WR90 90 degree E-Plane Bend | 1 |
NARDA | 350-H | $40.00 | WR90m 90 degree H-Plane Bend | 1 |
NARDA | 410-10 | $125.00 | WR90 Standard Reflection, 1.22 VSWR / 0.1 reflection coefficient | 1 |
NARDA | 4601 | $100.00 | WR90 x SMA(f) Adapter | 2 |
NARDA | 510 | $85.00 | WR90 Tunable Detector | 2 |
NARDA | 601B | $95.00 | WR90 (choke flange) x N(f) Adapter | 2 |
NARDA | 720-03 | $65.00 | WR90 Fixed Attenuator, 3 Db | 1 |
NARDA | 720-10 | $65.00 | WR90 Fixed Attenuator, 10 dB | 2 |
NARDA | 730 | $145.00 | WR90 Variable Attenuator, 0-20 dB, lockable vernier drive | 6 |
NARDA | 730S | $75.00 | WR90 Level Set Attenuator, 0.5-25 dB, uncalibrated drive | 1 |
NARDA | 940 | $75.00 | WR90 Series (E-Plane) Tee, 3.12 inches length | 1 |
NORSAL INDUSTRIES | 101378 | $60.00 | WR90 Gunn Oscillator, 0.5 GHz, +16 dBm Po, 9V 600mA, mechanical tuning +/-100 MHz, and varactor (+5V to +50V) tuning +/-20 MHz | 21 |
OMEGA LABS | 138 | $65.00 | WR90 Feedthru Bulkhead, 3.75 inches length, on 3.5 inch dia. 8-hole mount with gasket, silver/brass | 1 |
OMEGA LABS | 288X19 | $250.00 | WR90 Dual Directional Crossguide (dual arm) Coupler, 40 dB coupling, SMA(f) coupled ports | 1 |
OMEGA LABS | 298 | $325.00 | WR90 Narrow Wall Directional Coupler, 40 dB coupling, +/-3 dB frequency sensitivity, directivity 30 dB; this is a drop-in replacement for Narda 1080 | 4 |
OMEGA LABS | 338X6 | $295.00 | WR90 Dual Directional Coupler, 40 dB forward coupling & 20 dB reverse coupling, N(f) coupled ports, directivity 30 dB, 16.7 inches length, silver/brass | 2 |
OMEGA LABS | 648G | $100.00 | CPR90 (grooved flange) Low Power Termination, 1.04 VSWR, 2 Watts maximum | 1 |
OMNI-SPECTRA | 2000-4022-00 | $100.00 | WR90 x SMA(f) Adapter | 12 |
OMNI-SPECTRA | 2000-5037-00 | $95.00 | WR90 x SMA(f) Adapter | 1 |
OMNI-SPECTRA | 20186/P | $95.00 | WR90 x SMA(m) Adapter | 3 |
OMNI-SPECTRA | 3001-6254-00 | $95.00 | WR90 x TNC(f) Adapter | 1 |
P&H LABS | C2-X13322 | $75.00 | WR90 Iso-Adapter, 18 dB isol., 8.4-12.0 GHz, SMA(f)-in/ WR90 out | 1 |
PAMTECH | WKB-1023-3A | $75.00 | WR90 Iso-Adapter, 20 dB isolation, 11.6-12.4 GHz, WR90 input, SMA(f) output | 1 |
PASTERNACK | PE9804 | $95.00 | WR90 x SMA(f) Adapter | 2 |
PENN ENGINEERING | 1242-4B | $125.00 | CPR90G (grooved flange) x N(f) Adapter | 6 |
PLESSEY | 456/1/00420 | $60.00 | WR90 Gunn Oscillator, 9.52 GHz, +19 dBm Po, 9V 800mA, manual (100 MHz) & varactor (20 MHz) tuning | 1 |
PRD | 1116 | $125.00 | WR90 Sliding Load | 3 |
PRD | 116A | $75.00 | WR90 Low Power Termination, 2 Watts average power, 1.05 VSWR | 1 |
PRD | 1203 | $145.00 | WR90 Isolator, 20 dB, 8.2-12.4 GHz, 10 Watts average power maximum | 5 |
PRD | 1402B | $85.00 | WR90 Standard Reflection, 1.10 VSWR/ 0.05 reflection coefficient | 1 |
PRD | 140-C | $75.00 | WR90 Fixed Attenuator, 10 dB | 3 |
PRD | 159-B | $85.00 | WR90 Variable Attenuator, 0-40 dB, calibrated scale | 2 |
PRD | 195-B | $150.00 | WR90 Variable Attenuator, 0-40 dB, guage read, 6.5 inches length | 1 |
PRD | 196C | $125.00 | Direct Reading Variable Attenuator, 0-60 dB, calibrated at 10.5 GHz, 6.5 inch length | 1 |
PRD | 303-A | $85.00 | WR90 Slide Screw Tuner, uncalibrated drives | 1 |
PRD | 354-C | $95.00 | WR90 x N(f) Adapter | 4 |
PRD | 402 | $65.00 | WR90 Sidewall Directional Coupler, 20 dB, 8.5-9.6 GHz, 9" length | 1 |
PRD | 408-S | $175.00 | WR90 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling | 3 |
PRD | 461 | $95.00 | WR90 Hybrid Tee | 1 |
PRD | 462A | $40.00 | WR90 90 degree E-Plane Bend | 2 |
PRD | 463A | $40.00 | WR90 90 degree H-Plane Bend | 1 |
PRD | 481 | $135.00 | WR90 Hybrid Tee, 3.125 inches insertion length | 1 |
RADIALL | 1GLM-52 | $95.00 | WR90 x SMA(m) Adapter | 1 |
RADIALL | R849-990 | $95.00 | WR90 x SMA(m) Adapter | 1 |
RADIO FREQUENCY SYSTEMS | 920415 | $125.00 | CPR90G (grooved flange) x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
RADIO FREQUENCY SYSTEMS | TF18-090 | $125.00 | CMR90 Twistable/ Flexible Waveguide, 18 inches length, brass | 1 |
RADIO FREQUENCY SYSTEMS | TF24-090EP | $195.00 | CPR90G (grooved flanges) Flexible/ Twistable Waveguide Section, 24 inches length, brass *NEW OLD STOCK* | 11 |
RANTEC | IX-300 | $65.00 | WR90 Isolator, 20 dB, 8.8-10.8 GHz, 3.89 inches length | 1 |
RANTEC | WX404 | $75.00 | WR90 to Dual Waveguide (H-Plane parallel) Taper & Polarizer | 2 |
RAYTHEON | 10109000 | $85.00 | CMR90 3-port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 8 dB coupling, choke flanges | 1 |
RAYTHEON | 1XL202G1 | $45.00 | WR90 Junction Isolator, 20 dB, 10.8-11.1 GHz, 0.5 inch insertion length | 2 |
RAYTHEON | 90LT229-6 | $85.00 | WR90 Short Loop Coupler, 30 dB coupling, 8.2-10.5 GHz, directivity 20 dB, SMA(f) coupled port, 1 inch length, aluminum | 1 |
RAYTHEON | C2000M-HP1 | $295.00 | WR90 Water Load, with calorimeter interface | 1 |
RAYTHEON | LXH-51 | $295.00 | CPR90 Water Load, 3 kW average/ 350 MW peak, 1 gpm flow required | 1 |
SAGE MILLIMETER | SWG-20SF-90-SW | $95.00 | WR90 Loop Coupler, 20 dB coupling to SMA(f) port, 2 inches length, brass | 10 |
SECTOR MICROWAVE | SMX-257D | $175.00 | WR90 DPDT Transfer Switch, 28 VDC, choke flanges all ports, solenoid control only | 1 |
SECTOR MICROWAVE | XAPF-1P | $225.00 | WR90 SPDT Solenoid Driven Switch, 28V coil | 1 |
SIVERS LAB | 7103X | $60.00 | WR90 In-Line Detector, negative polarity, BNC(f) output, 0.72 inch length, aluminum | 2 |
SIVERS LAB | 7240X | $195.00 | WR90 Directional Coupler, 3 dB coupling, directivity 40 dB | 1 |
SIVERS LAB | PM-7220-X | $85.00 | WR90 Termination, 1 Watt, 1.03 VSWR | 2 |
SIVERS LAB | SL-5600/61 | $135.00 | WR90 Manual DPDT Transfer Switch | 2 |
SPERRY | 175 | $65.00 | WR90 Pickup Horn, 6 dBi gain, integral N(f) adapter | 1 |
SPERRY | 354 | $75.00 | WR90 Sliding Load | 1 |
SPERRY | 47X2 | $125.00 | WR90 Variable Attenuator, 0-40 dB, dial read | 1 |
SPERRY | 56X1 | $245.00 | WR90 Standard Gain Horn, 16 dBi gain mid-band | 1 |
SPERRY | D41X5 | $165.00 | WR90 Isolator, 30 dB, 8.2-12.4 GHz, 10 Watts average power maximum | 1 |
SPERRY MICROLINE | 165A | $75.00 | WR90 Series (E-Plane) Tee, 4 inches length | 1 |
SPERRY MICROLINE | 234 | $150.00 | WR90 3-port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 40 dB coupling | 1 |
SPERRY MICROLINE | 246 | $100.00 | WR90 Medium Power Load, 50 Watts average | 1 |
SPERRY MICROLINE | 377 | $85.00 | WR90 Adjustable Short, lockable drive | 1 |
STRUTHERS | 200X | $85.00 | WR90 Low Power Termination, 1 Watt, 1.04 VSWR | 1 |
STRUTHERS | U173X | $125.00 | WR90 Short Loop Coupler, 30 dB coupling, directivity 13 dB, N(f) coupled port, silver/brass, 1.98 inches length | 1 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBG-1001 | $35.00 | WR90 Straight Section, 1.75 inch length, gold flashed brass, UG40B/U choke flanges | 1 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBG-275 | $60.00 | WR90 Pressurization Section, with 0-60 PSI guage and inlet, 3.5 inches length | 1 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBG-410 | $165.00 | WR90 Variable Attenuator, 0-40 dB, guage read | 1 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBG-440A-10 | $60.00 | WR90 Fixed Attenuator, 10 dB | 3 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBG-440A-40 | $60.00 | WR90 Fixed Attenuator, 40 dB | 1 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBG-440F-07 | $60.00 | WR90 Fixed Attenuator, 7 dB | 1 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBG-461 | $325.00 | WR90 High Power Load, 600 Watts average/ 500 kW peak, 11.5 inches length | 1 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBG-630-20 | $115.00 | WR90 4-Port Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling | 3 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBG-650 | $135.00 | WR90 Hybrid Tee | 1 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBG-675-10 | $225.00 | WR90 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling | 1 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBG-675-40 | $325.00 | WR90 Directional Coupler, 40 dB coupling | 2 |
SYSTRON DONNER | SD-090330001 | $115.00 | WR90 Dual Port Sampler, 40 dB coupling, two SMA(f) coupled ports, 1.3 inch length, cover/choke flanges, | 1 |
SYSTRON DONNER | SD-090330001 | $135.00 | WR90 Dual Short Loop Coupler, two 40 dB coupled SMA(f) ports, both couple in the same direction, 8.5-10.5 GHz, 1.25 inch length | 1 |
TE:ERAD | TF-220-2400 | $95.00 | WR90 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 24 inches length, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
TECHNICRAFT | CG-182/APM-40 | $95.00 | WR90 Flexible Waveguide Section, 18 inches length, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 13 |
TECHNICRAFT | CG-800/U | $110.00 | WR90 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 30 inches length, silver/brass, choke/choke flanges | 1 |
TECHNICRAFT | TFT-64-4-B-9-N | $65.00 | WR90 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 9 inches length, brass, cover/choke flanges | 2 |
TECHNICRAFT | TS-64-4-8-120-N | $235.00 | WR90 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 12 ft. length, silver/brass, cover flanges | 4 |
TECHNICRAFT | TS-64-4-8-40-N | $145.00 | WR90 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 4 ft. length, brass, choke flanges | 1 |
TECHNICRAFT | TS-64-4-A-10-N | $65.00 | WR90 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 10 inches length, aluminum, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
TECHNICRAFT | TS-64-4-B-12-N | $75.00 | WR90 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 12 inches length, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 8 |
TECHNICRAFT | TS-64-4-B-18-N | $95.00 | WR90 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 18 inches length, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 7 |
TECHNICRAFT | TS-64-4-B-24-N | $115.00 | WR90 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 2 ft. length, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 22 |
TECHNICRAFT | TS-64-4-B-36-N | $135.00 | WR90 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 3 ft. length silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 2 |
TECHNICRAFT | TS-64-4-B-6-N | $50.00 | WR90 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 6 inches length, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 2 |
TECHNICRAFT | TSG-45-4-A-54-S | $125.00 | WR90 Jacketed Flexible Section, 4.5 ft. length, aluminum, cover/choke flanges | 2 |
TELEDYNE | WR90 isolator | $75.00 | WR90 Isolator, 25 dB isolation, 8.2-9.8 GHz, 1.5 inch length | 1 |
TOSHIBA | FCX-67 | $95.00 | WR90 Circulator, 20 dB isolation, 8.4-9.6 GHz, 1.95 inch length | 1 |
TOSHIBA | FCX-68 | $95.00 | WR90 Circulator, 20 dB isolation, 8.2-9.9 GHz, 1.95 inch length | 1 |
UTE MICROWAVE | CWT-5544-OT | $75.00 | WR90 Iso-Adapter, 20 dB isolation, 8.2-12.4 GHz, WR90 input/ SMA(f) output | 1 |
UTE MICROWAVE | CWT-5549-OT | $100.00 | WR90 Iso-Adapter, 20 dB isolation, 8-12 GHz, SMA(f) input/ WR90 output | 1 |
UTE MICROWAVE | CWT-5596-01 | $85.00 | CMR90 Iso-Adapter, 18 dB isolation, 9.5-12.4 GHz, SMA(f) input / CMR90 output | 1 |
VARIAN | VSX-9001 | $145.00 | WR90 Gunn Oscillator, 10.0 GHz, +19 dBm, cavity adjustable +/-40 MHz, 9.2V 700mA. Includes a removable WR90 to N(f) Adapter | 1 |
WAVELINE | 601-NF | $95.00 | WR90 x N(f) Adapter | 2 |
WAVELINE | 601-TNCF | $95.00 | WR90 x TNC(f) Adapter | 1 |
WAVELINE | 602-40 | $115.00 | WR90 Precision Fixed Attenuator, 40 dB, 10 Watts maximum | 1 |
WAVELINE | 60289 | $175.00 | WR90 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling, directivity 40 dB, broadwall coupled arm with H-Plane bend | 3 |
WAVELINE | 60554 | $60.00 | WR90 Fixed Attenuator, 16 dB | 1 |
WAVELINE | 60563 | $200.00 | WR90 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling | 1 |
WAVELINE | 606-10 | $85.00 | WR90 10 dB Fixed Attenuator, 2 Watts maximum | 2 |
WAVELINE | 607-10 | $65.00 | WR90 Fixed Attenuator, 10 dB | 1 |
WAVELINE | 608-C | $195.00 | WR90 Variab;e Phase Shifter, 0-190 degrees, guage read, 6.5 inches length | 2 |
WAVELINE | 609 | $60.00 | WR90 Adjustable Attenuator, 0.5-30 dB, uncalibrated, locking | 4 |
WAVELINE | 611 | $110.00 | WR90 Variable Attenuator, 0-30 dB, counter dial drive | 5 |
WAVELINE | 61163 | $95.00 | CMR90 x N(f) Adapter | 5 |
WAVELINE | 612 | $145.00 | WR90 Variable Attenuator, 0-40 dB, gage read | 1 |
WAVELINE | 613 | $50.00 | WR90 Level Set Attenuator, 0-20 dB, uncalibrated drive | 2 |
WAVELINE | 614 | $95.00 | WR90 Positive Polarity Detector, 1N23 diode cartridge, lockable sliding backshort tuning, BNC(f) output | 2 |
WAVELINE | 616 | $50.00 | WR90 Positive Polarity Detector, 1N23 diode cartridge, BNC(f) output | 1 |
WAVELINE | 61912 | $325.00 | WR90 High Power Load, 700 Watts average/ 290 kW peak, dimensions 7.25 in. length x 6.25 in. x 5.38 in. | 5 |
WAVELINE | 622 | $295.00 | WR90 Direct Reading Precision Attenuator, 0-60 dB | 1 |
WAVELINE | 635-2 | $35.00 | WR90 90 degree E-Plane Mitered Elbow, asymetrical, 1 in. offset | 4 |
WAVELINE | 642-1-6 | $50.00 | WR90 Straight Section, 6 inches length, choke flanges | 1 |
WAVELINE | 643-12 | $100.00 | WR90 Straight Section, 12 inches length, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
WAVELINE | 654 | $115.00 | WR90 Low Power Termination, 2 Watts, 1.02 VSWR | 2 |
WAVELINE | 657 | $95.00 | WR90 Hybrid Tee | 1 |
WAVELINE | 660 | $135.00 | WR90 E-H Plane Tuner, uncalibrated drives | 1 |
WAVELINE | 662 | $95.00 | WR90 Adjustable Short, uncalibrated drive | 1 |
WAVELINE | 667 | $50.00 | WR90 Pressurization Section, with two 3/8-NPT ports, one with a 15 PSI guage, 3.5 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
WAVELINE | 670-40 | $150.00 | WR90 3-Port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 40 dB coupling | 1 |
WAVELINE | 672 | $165.00 | WR90 Short Body Sidewall Directional Coupler, 30 dB coupling, 8.8-9.2 GHz, directivity 20 dB, 9.62 inches length, choke flanges | 1 |
WAVELINE | 673-10 | $300.00 | WR90 Ultra-Flat Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling | 2 |
WAVELINE | 673-30 | $350.00 | WR90 Ultra-Flat Directional Coupler, 30 dB coupling | 1 |
WAVELINE | 674-10 | $250.00 | WR90 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling | 3 |
WAVELINE | 674-40 | $285.00 | WR90 Directional Coupler, 40 dB coupling | 2 |
WAVELINE | 678-E | $145.00 | WR90 2-Position 4-Port DPDT Switch, manually operated, E plane switch | 3 |
WAVELINE | 678-H | $145.00 | WR90 2-Position 4-Port DPDT Switch, manually operated, H plane switch | 3 |
WAVELINE | 680 | $50.00 | WR90 Shorting Switch | 1 |
WAVELINE | 681 | $175.00 | WR90 Medium Power Load, 150 Watts average/ 290 kW peak, 5.75 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
WAVELINE | 682 | $295.00 | WR90 High Power Load, 500 Watts average/ 290 kW peak, 5.75 inches length | 1 |
WAVELINE | 683 (60999) | $150.00 | WR90 Slide Screw Tuner, left side flange is UG39/U, right side flange is drilled for UG39/U, CMR90, and CPR90 | 1 |
WAVELINE | 683CMR | $150.00 | CMR90 Slide Screw Tuner | 1 |
WAVELINE | 688 | $650.00 | WR90 High Power Load, 2500 Watts average power/ 290 kW peak, forced air cooling, 115 VAC | 1 |
WAVELINE | 690 | $60.00 | WR90 90 degree Twist Section, 6 inches length, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
WAVELINE | 695-P1 | $95.00 | WR90 Pressure Window, 30 PSI maximum, 0.12 inch thickness, 300 Watts average/300 kW peak, 1.1 VSWR | 4 |
WEINSCHEL | 936X | $40.00 | WR90 Noise Suppressor (DC block), 1.74 inch length | 3 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | KS-16385-LN | $125.00 | CMR90 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 24 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
| | | WR102 WAVEGUIDE: 7.5-11.0 GHz | |
ASAP AEROSPACE | X83J1454-25 | $60.00 | WR102 Straight Section, 6 inches length, choke flanges, brass | 1 |
CMT | RBC102-10-1A1A | $200.00 | WR102 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling *UNUSED* | 2 |
CMT | RFG102-7.5 | $50.00 | WR102 Jacketed Flexible Section, 7-1/2 inches length | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBGA-675-10 | $200.00 | WR102 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling | 1 |
GENERAL INSTRUMENT | 3409-0007 | $90.00 | WR102 Variable Attenuator, 0-20 dB | 2 |
GENERAL INSTRUMENT | 3464-0001-01 | $125.00 | WR102 DPDT Transfer Switch | 2 |
GENERAL INSTRUMENT | 3477-0001-01 | $75.00 | WR102 Crystal Detector | 5 |
GENERAL INSTRUMENT | 801-1822 | $35.00 | WR102 E-plane 90 degree elbow, choke flanges | 3 |
GENERAL INSTRUMENT | 801-183 | $85.00 | WR102 Flexible Waveguide Section, 17.2 inches length, choke fl's | 3 |
GENERAL INSTRUMENT | 801-9015 | $95.00 | WR102 x N(m) Adapter, choke flange | 6 |
GENERAL INSTRUMENT | 801-9022 | $150.00 | WR102 Directional Coupler, 6 dB coupling, choke flanges | 3 |
GENERAL INSTRUMENT | 801-9024 | $150.00 | WR102 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling, choke flanges | 3 |
GENERIC | WR102 E 90 | $50.00 | WR102 90 degree E-Plane Bend, choke flanges, brass, 10 inch bend radius | 1 |
GENERIC | WR102 x WR112 | $75.00 | WR102 (choke flange) x WR112 (choke flange) Taper Section, 2.38 inches length, brass | 1 |
GUIDE MICROWAVE | 1980-000 | $165.00 | WR102 DPDT Transfer Switch, 24 VDC, failsafe *UNUSED* | 4 |
MCS | B-8906-3 | $95.00 | WR102 x SMA(f) Adapter | 1 |
MDL | 102AC46-1F | $95.00 | WR102 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
OMEGA LABS | 3648 | $135.00 | WR102 Low Power Termination, 2 Watts maximum, 1.02 VSWR | 2 |
PAMTECH | XHG1020 | $175.00 | WR102 Isolator, 25 dB, 7.5-11.0 GHz | 1 |
PASTERNACK | PEWCA-1039 | $95.00 | WR102 x SMA(f) Adapter | 1 |
PREMIER MICROWAVE | 2225A | $45.00 | WR102 90 degree E-Plane Bend, integral pressure window | 2 |
ROYAL MICROWAVE | 707 | $235.00 | WR102 High Power Load, 500 Watts sverage | 1 |
SECTOR MICROWAVE | SM1-153 | $225.00 | WR102 SPDT Failsafe Switch, manual or 28 VDC control | 1 |
STRUTHERS | 105730 | $235.00 | WR102 DPDT Transfer Switch, 28 VDC, choke flanges, failsafe, with indicators | 1 |
TECHNICRAFT | TS-66021-1 | $90.00 | WR102 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 13.5 inches length | 1 |
TECHNICRAFT | TS665039 | $50.00 | WR102 Unjacketed Flexible Section, 3.94 inches length | 1 |
TECHNICRAFT | TS665022 | $60.00 | WR102 Unjacketed Flexible Section, 6 inches length *UNUSED* | 18 |
WAVELINE | 0201-NF | $95.00 | WR102 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
WAVELINE | 0241-1-3 | $45.00 | WR102 Straight Section, 3 inches length, choke flanges, brass | 1 |
WAVELINE | 0242-1-6 | $60.00 | WR102 Straight Section, 6 inches length, choke flanges, brass | 1 |
WAVELINE | 0254 | $115.00 | WR102 Low Power Termination, 4 Watts maximum, 1.02 VSWR | 2 |
WAVELINE | 0282 | $295.00 | WR102 High Power Load, 600 Watts average/ 460 kW peak | 1 |
| | | WR112 WAVEGUIDE: 7.05-10.0 GHz | |
3 dBm, INC. | 112EP-90 | $50.00 | WR112 90 degree E-Plane Bend, 1.5 inch bend radius, aluminum, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
3 dBm, INC. | 6579 | $85.00 | WR112 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 13 inches length, aluminum, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
3 dBm, INC. | CPR112-NFP | $95.00 | CPR112 grooved flange x N(f) Adapter | 6 |
3 dBm, INC. | H-175 | $95.00 | WR112 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
3 dBm, INC. | H-410 | $35.00 | WR112 Pressure Window *new old stock* | 2 |
A-ALPHA | WR11201 | $50.00 | WR112 90 degree H-Plane Bend, 1.25 inch bend radius, brass, choke flanges | 1 |
ACME MICROWAVE | 51-52 | $75.00 | CPR112 (grooved flange) x WR112 (choke flange) Adapter, 2 inches length, brass | 1 |
AERTECH | AMF-5891-1 | $60.00 | WR112 Iso-Adapter, 20 dB, 7.05-8.5 GHz,WR112 choke out | 14 |
AERTECH | AMF-5891-2 | $60.00 | WR112 Iso-Adapter, 20 dB, 7.05-8.5 GHz,SMAf in/WR112 choke fl.out | 15 |
AERTECH | KC-7501 | $115.00 | WR112 Dual Short Loop Coupler (non-directional), two -30 dB SMA female coupled ports, 2 inches length, aluminum, choke flanges | 3 |
AIL | 377169-1 | $150.00 | WR112 Tunable 4-pole Bend Pass Filter, 7.3-7.7 GHz, bandwidth 70 MHz, four independently adjustable/lockable cavities, 8 inches length, brass | 1 |
AIRTRON | 107039 | $50.00 | WR112 90 degree H-Plane Bend, 2.5 inch bend radius, silver/brass, choke flanges | 1 |
AIRTRON | 109647 | $110.00 | WR112 Straight Section, 15.75 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
AIRTRON | 338090 | $115.00 | WR112 High Power Isolator, 12 dB isolation, 8.5-9.6 GHz, 100 Watts average maximum, water cooled, 4.5 inches length, choke/cover flanges | 2 |
AIRTRON | BN-220-600 | $60.00 | WR112 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide Section, 6 inches length | 1 |
AIRTRON | BN-720-1012 | $75.00 | WR112 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 12 inches length, aluminum, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
AIRTRON | CG-165A/U | $95.00 | WR112 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 18 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
AIRTRON | DA-21/U | $265.00 | WR112 High Power Load, 400 Watts average power/ 400 kW peak, 16 inches length | 2 |
AIRTRON | H-1199 | $295.00 | WR112 High Power Load, 750 Watts average | 1 |
AIRTRON | TS-685147 | $95.00 | CPR112 (flat flanges) Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 12 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
AIRTRON | W262 | $65.00 | WR112 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 12.25 inches length, brass | 2 |
AIRTRON | WR112 flex 20.5" | $95.00 | WR112 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 20.5 inches length, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
AIRTRON | WR112 flex 36" | $150.00 | WR112 Twistable/ Flexible Jacketed Waveguide, 36 inches length, aluminum, choke/choke flanges | 1 |
AIRTRON | WR112 twist/flex 70" | $195.00 | WR112 Jacketed Flexible/ Twistable Waveguide, 5 ft. 10 in. length, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
ALCATEL FERROCOM | 745 | $165.00 | WR112 Circulator, 30 dB isolation, 7.1-8.5 GHz, UG51 all three ports, 2.62 inches length | 2 |
ALCATEL FERROCOM | 752 | $165.00 | WR112 Circulator, 30 dB isolation, 7.1-8.5 GHz, UG51 input & termination ports, CPR112F output port; SMA(f) loop coupler -45 dB on output port, 2.5 inches length | 1 |
ANDREW | 48988-112L | $375.00 | CPR112 Hybrid Tee Reflectometer, 7.12-8.5 GHz, 60 dB directivity | 1 |
ANDREW | 54118-112 | $115.00 | CPR112 (grooved flange) x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
ANDREW | 55000A-112 | $90.00 | WR112 Pressure Window, 10 PSI maximum, brass, 0.24 inch thick *NEW OLD STOCK* | 4 |
ANDREW | 55463-112 | $25.00 | CPR112 (grooved flanges) Pressurization Section, brass, 0.62 inch length, 3/8 inch air inlet | ASK* |
ANDREW | 55526-4 | $115.00 | CPR112G (grooved flange) x WR112 (UG51 flange) Adapter, 4 inches length, brass | 1 |
ANDREW | WFT-112-12 | $95.00 | WR112 Flexible/ Twistable Jacketed Waveguide, 12 inches length, brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
ANRITSU | 26UA112 | $195.00 | WR112/ CPR112 Precision Low Power Termination | 4 |
ANRITSU | 35UA112N | $195.00 | CPR112F/WR112 (UG138/U) x N(m) Adapter | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 07-007-0035 | $225.00 | WR112 Circulator, 20 dB isolation, 7.2-9.2 GHz, 100 Watts maximum, 3.5 inches length | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 13961 | $50.00 | CPR112F (flat flange) x WR112 (UG-choke flange) 90 degree Assymetrical E-Plane Bend, 2 inch leg from UG flange/ 0.75 inch leg from CPR flange, brass | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 14213 | $285.00 | WR112 High Powre Load, 750 Watts average/ 460 kW peak power, 15.5 inches length | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 16002 | $165.00 | CPR112 7.9-8.4 GHz Harmonic Suppression Filter,-80 dB 15.8-16.8G | 3 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 17416-01 | $200.00 | CPR112F (flat flanges) Dual Directional Short Loop Coupler, 40 dB coupling, SMA(f,f) coupled ports, 2 inches length | 2 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 17589 | $150.00 | CPR112 Isolator, 18 dB, 7.6-8.9 GHz, 10 Watts maximum average power, aluminum, 3.5 inches length, flat flange input/ grooved flange output | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 17655-01 | $150.00 | CPR112F (flat flanges) Dual Direction Short Loop Coupler, 7.6-8.4 GHz, 40 dB coupling, SMA(f,f) coupled ports, aluminum body, 2 inches length | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 7.5-9.75 GHz BPFL | $95.00 | CPR112G Band Pass Filter, 7.50-9.75 GHz, 3.38 inches length | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | CPR112 2.23" straight | $45.00 | CPR112F (flat flanges) Straight Section, 2.23 inches length, brass | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | CPR112 dual crossguide | $235.00 | CPR112G (grooved flange) Dual Directional Crossguide Coupler, 40 dB, N(f) coupled porfts, 5 inches length, brass | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | CPR112 hi pwr isolator | $265.00 | CPR112 High Power Isolator, 20 dB, 7.3-10.0 GHz, 75 Watts maximum, 3.5 inches length | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | WR112 45 dB crossguide | $150.00 | CPR1123G (grooved flange) / WR112 (UG52 choke flange) 3-port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 45 dB coupling, SMA(f) coupled port, UG flange port on 90 degree E-Plane bend, 0.25 dia mounts for arc detectors in both directions, 5.3 inches length, brass | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | WR112 circulator | $165.00 | WR112 High Power Circulator, 20 dB isolation, 7.8-9.2 GHz, 3.5 inches inserion length | 2 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | WR112 crossguide | $125.00 | WR112 3-port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 46 dB coupling, SMA(f) coupled port, unput flange is UG52B/U (choke) on a 90 degree E plane bend, output is CPR112G (grooved) flange | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | WR112 LPFL | $175.00 | WR112 Low Pass Filter, -30 dB at 12.9 GHz, 4.9 inches length | 2 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | WR112 triple arm coupler (A) | $265.00 | WR112 Triple Arm Crossguide Coupler, 37 dB & 47 dB forward, 36 dB reverse, SMA(f) coupled ports, UG51 square flange input/ CPR112G flange output, 6.88 inches length | 2 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | WR112 triple arm crossguide | $265.00 | WR112 Triple Arm Crossguide Coupler, 45 dB & 52 dB forward arms coupling, 45 dB reverse arm coupling, SMA(f) coupled ports; input port is UG52B/U choke flange, output port is CPR112F flat flange on a 90 degree E plane bend, 7 inches length, brass | 2 |
ARRA | AEW1465 | $60.00 | CPR112 (grooved flange) Short Body Termination, 4 Watts max., 1.5 inch length | 1 |
ARRA | AW1112 | $165.00 | CMR112 DPDT Transfer Switch, manually operated, switch rotates an E plane bend | 1 |
ARRA | AW4859 | $225.00 | WR112 3-port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 50 dB coupling, N(f) coupled port, 4 inches length, brass, choke flanges | 1 |
ARRA | CPR112G-460B-M | $95.00 | CPR112G (grooved flange) x N(m) Adapter | 10 |
ARRA | CPR112-NFP | $95.00 | CPR112G (grooved flange) x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
ARRA | W101S | $65.00 | CPR112 (flat flange) to WR112 (cover flange) Adapter, 6 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
ARRA | WC119H1 | $100.00 | CMR112 Low Power Termination, 5 Watts maximum, 1.10 VSWR | 2 |
ARRA | WG127P1 | $95.00 | CMR112 x SMA(f) Adapter | 1 |
ATLANTIC MICROWAVE | 01011209-00 | $95.00 | CPR112 (grooved flanges) Matched Hybrid Tee, 3.25 inches length, brass | 1 |
ATLANTIC MICROWAVE | 01012875 | $45.00 | CPR112 90 degree mitre H-Plane Bend | 1 |
ATLANTIC MICROWAVE | 01012875-11 | $45.00 | CPR112G (grooved flanges) Assymetrical E-Plane Bend, 2.7 X 1.2 inch legs, brass | 1 |
ATLANTIC MICROWAVE | 21XL-5A1 | $95.00 | WR112 (coke flange) x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
ATLANTIC MICROWAVE | 5829538 | $175.00 | WR112 4-Port Crossguide Coupler, 50 dB coupling, aluminum, 3 ports cover flange/ 1 port choke flange | 2 |
ATLANTIC MICROWAVE | AMC-0011 | $95.00 | WR112 (choke flange) x SMA(m) Adapter | 1 |
ATLANTIC MICROWAVE | AMC-0037 | $185.00 | CPR112G (grooved flanges) 3-arm Crossguide Coupler, 8-10 GHz; two forward coupled arms: -55 dB to a WR90 choke flange; and -50 dB to an N(f) connector; one reverse coupled arm; -45 dB to a WR90 choke flange; 7.75 inches length, brass | 3 |
ATLANTIC MICROWAVE | CG1121M2 | $135.00 | WR112 3-port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 50 dB coupling, choke/cover flange thru-line 3.25 inches length, choke flange coupled port, aluminum' | 1 |
ATLANTIC MICROWAVE | CPR112 20 dB crossguide | $115.00 | CPR112 (grooved flanges) 3-port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling, UG choke flange coupled port, silver/brass, 3.25 inches insertion length | 1 |
ATM | 112-120A-3-6-5/GIL | $75.00 | WR112 (UG138/U flange) x CMR112 Flange Adapter, 3 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
ATM | 112-201B-2 | $135.00 | CPR112F x SMA(f) End Launch Adapter, brass body, flat flange | 4 |
ATM | 112-253B-2 | $135.00 | CPR112F x N(f) Adapter, brass body, flat flange | 1 |
ATM | PNR-112-253B-2 | $100.00 | CPR112G (grooved flange) x N(f) Adapter , brass body *new old stock* | 1 |
BOGART | B-4063 | $295.00 | WR112 High Power Termination, 600 Watts average/ 460 kW peak | 9 |
BOGART | DA-148/U | $295.00 | WR112 High Power Load, 600 Watts average/ 460 kW peak | 1 |
CMT | RAH112-TNC | $135.00 | WR112 High Power Adapter to TNC(f), aluminum body, 500 Watts average/ 12 kW peak | 2 |
CMT | RDBCC112-N-F-50/50-1A1A-A | $395.00 | WR112 Dual Directional Coupler, 50 dB coupling, N(f) coupled ports, aluminum construction, 24 inches length | 1 |
CMT | RHB112 | $45.00 | WR112 Asymetrical 90 degree H-Plane Mitre Bend, 1.38"x2.75"legs | 1 |
CMT | RHB112 | $50.00 | WR112 90 degree Assymetrical H-Plane Bend, 1.5 inch x 2.6 inch legs, aluminum | 1 |
CMT | RHB112-1B-5B-1.65-1.63-C | $50.00 | WR112 90 degree H-Plane Bend, 1.63 inch bend radius, brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
CMT | RHB112-1B5B-1.65-1.63-C | $50.00 | WR112 90 degree H-Plane Bend, brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
COM-DEV LTD. | WR112 BPFL | $75.00 | WR112 Band Pass Filter, 7.10-9.27 GHz, 4.88 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBGH-018 (cover) | $85.00 | WR112 x WR90 Taper Section, cover/cover flanges, 3-3/4 inches | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBH-210-16.25 | $115.00 | WR112 Straight Section, 16.25 inches length | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBH-210-2.3 | $45.00 | WR112 Straight Section, 2.3 inches length | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBH-266-1D | $165.00 | WR112 In-Line Rotary Joint, 7.05-8.40 GHz, U-shape, 4 inches length, mounted on 4 inch diameter 8-hole plate, cover flanges | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBH-266-4D | $165.00 | WR112 In-Line Rotary Joint, 7.05-9.85 GHz, 10.2 inches length, choke flanges | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBH-310 | $75.00 | WR112 Crystal Detector Mount (1N23 diode), positive polarity, BNC(f) output | 2 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBH-313 | $100.00 | WR112 Tunable Detector, positive polarity | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBH-440A-20 | $100.00 | WR112 Fixed Attenuator, 20 dB, 1 Watt maximum | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBH-450 | $125.00 | WR112 Low Power Termination, 1.01 VSWR, 5 Watts average power | 5 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBH-460 | $275.00 | WR112 High Power Load, 750 Watts average power/ 400 kW peak | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBH-520-20 | $425.00 | WR112 Standard Gain Horn, 20 dBi gain mid-band | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBH-610 | $85.00 | WR112 E-Plane (Series) Tee, 4.5 inches length | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBH-614-1 | $95.00 | WR112 Manual SPST Switch | 2 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBH-614-1 | $145.00 | WR112 Manual DPDT Transfer Switch, 2 inches insertion length, aluminum body | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBH-631-30 | $185.00 | WR112 3-Port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB coupling | 2 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBH-632 | $150.00 | WR112 3-Port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling, N(f) coupled port | 4 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBH-919 | $125.00 | WR112 Slide Screw Tuner, vernier read | 1 |
DIAMOND ANTENNA | 728 | $65.00 | WR112 Positive Polarity Detector, 1N23 diode cartridge, BNC(f) output | 1 |
DIAMOND ANTENNA | 749 | $275.00 | WR112 Standard Gain Horn, 16.5 dBi gain mid-band | 1 |
DOUGLAS MICROWAVE | 130B | $50.00 | WR112 90 degree E-Plane Bend, 4 inch bend radius, silver/brass | 1 |
DOUGLAS MICROWAVE | 160-B | $50.00 | WR112 Crystal Detector Mount (1N23E), BNC(f) | 1 |
DOUGLAS MICROWAVE | 172B-30 | $185.00 | WR112 Sidewall Directional Coupler, 30 dB, 8-10 GHz, >20 dB dir. | 1 |
E&M LABS | XL102LT | $145.00 | WR112 Circulator, 20 dB isolation, 7.0-8.5 GHz, 2.40 inches length | 1 |
E&M LABS | XL103LI | $150.00 | WR112 Isolator, 20 dB, 7.05-10.0 GHz, 10 Watts average power maximum | 2 |
E&M LABS | XL103LT | $65.00 | WR112 Isolator, 20 dB, 8.5-9.2 GHz, 10 Watts average power, 2.5 inches length | 1 |
E&M LABS | XL976LI | $150.00 | WR112 Isolator, 20 dB, 7.05-10.0 GHz, 10 Watts average power maximum | 5 |
EDWARDS VACUUM | CG-165/U | $85.00 | WR112 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 12 inches length, brass | 4 |
FAIRVIEW MICROWAVE | FMWCP-1025 | $275.00 | WR112 Directional Coupler, 30 dB coupling *new old stock* | 2 |
FARINON | 89-80443-016 | $85.00 | CPR112 x CMR112 Adapter, 1.75 inch length, brass | 1 |
FERRITE COMPOSITES | GZ-307-A | $75.00 | WR112 Isolator, 20 dB, 7.3-8.0 GHz, 2.5 inches length | 1 |
FERRITE COMPOSITES | GZ-307-C | $75.00 | WR112 Isolator, 20 dB, 8.0-8.5 GHz, 2.5 inches length | 1 |
FERROCOM | 277-0303-140 | $135.00 | WR112 Circulator, 23 dB isolation, 7.75-8.50 GHz, 2.62 inches length | 2 |
FERROCOM | 761-3T | $145.00 | WR112 Isolator, 30 dB, 7.125-8.500 GHz, 2.62 inches length, aluminum body | 6 |
FERROTEC | I-2154-L | $175.00 | WR112 Isolator, 30 dB, 7.0-10.0 GHz, 10 Watts average power handling | 1 |
FERROTEC | I-873-L | $75.00 | WR112 Isolator, 25 dB, 7.0-7.8 GHz, 3 inches length, choke flanges | 1 |
FILTRONIC | WA-001 | $175.00 | WR112 Low Pass Filter, 7.05-10.0 GHz passband, -30 dB rejection at 10.95 GHz, 3.05 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
FLANN MICROWAVE | 15094-SF40 | $115.00 | WR112 x SMA(f) Adapter | 2 |
FLANN MICROWAVE | 15131-10 | $295.00 | WR112 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling, directivity 40 dB | 4 |
FLANN MICROWAVE | 18/9-2 | $95.00 | WR112 x N(f) Adapter, VSWR <1.2 | 2 |
FXR/MICROLAB | 610-A68 | $150.00 | WR112 30 dB Sidewall Directional Coupler, 8.5-10.0 GHz, N(f) coupled port, directivity >20 dB, aluminum, 7 inches length | 4 |
FXR/MICROLAB | W155A | $165.00 | WR112 Direct Reading Variable Attenuator, 0-20 dB, 2 Watts maximum | 3 |
FXR/MICROLAB | W164A | $250.00 | WR112 Precision Direct Readuing Attenuator, 0-50 dB | 3 |
FXR/MICROLAB | W216A | $60.00 | WR112 Detector, positive polarity, BNC(f) output | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | W311A | $110.00 | WR112 Slide Screw Tuner, vernier read | 2 |
FXR/MICROLAB | W410B | $235.00 | WR112 Direct Reading Frequency Meter, 7-10 GHz, with N(f) coupled cavity bandpass output, 1 MHz bandwidth, at -20 dB from input level | 2 |
FXR/MICROLAB | W501C | $150.00 | WR112 Low Power Termination, 2 Watts average, 1.015 VSWR | 4 |
FXR/MICROLAB | W510A | $150.00 | WR112 Standard Mismatch, 1.00 VSWR | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | W510B | $150.00 | WR112 Standard Mismatch, 1.05 VSWR | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | W601B | $95.00 | WR112 x N(f) Adapter | 2 |
FXR/MICROLAB | W610A | $185.00 | WR112 Direct Reading Frequency Meter, 7-10 GHz | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | W610C | $200.00 | WR112 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling | 4 |
FXR/MICROLAB | W621A | $65.00 | WR112 H-Plane (Shunt) Tee | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | W621A | $85.00 | WR112 H-Plane (Shunt) Tee, 3.3 inches length | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | W623B | $50.00 | WR112 90 degree E-Plane Bend | 7 |
FXR/MICROLAB | W624B | $50.00 | WR112 90 degree H-Plane Bend | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | W635X | $90.00 | WR112 x WR90 Taper Section, 3.5 inches length | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | W638A | $375.00 | WR112 Standard Gain, 18 dBi gain mid-band | 2 |
FXR/MICROLAB | W638A | $395.00 | WR112 Standard Gain Horn, 18 dBi gain mid-band | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | W641A | $175.00 | WR112 DPDT Transfer Switch, manually operated, switch rotates an H plane bend | 4 |
FXR/MICROLAB | WF-0050 | $325.00 | WR112 High Power Load, 600 Watts average/ 750kW peak | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | WG-0050 | $300.00 | WR112 High Power Load, 750 Watts average/ 2.75 MW peak | 1 |
GAMMA MICROWAVE | VEH-8486F | $175.00 | CPR112 Arc Detector, built on a copper 90 degree swept E-plane bend, SCR driven failsafe output, needs bias reset to restart arc detection, +12 to +15V bias | 1 |
GENERAL ELECTRIC | 7728407-P8 | $45.00 | WR112 90 degree E-Plane Bend, cover/choke flanges, silver/brass | 2 |
GENERIC | 8 GHz BPFL | $60.00 | WR112 Band Pass Filter, 7.8-8.6 GHz, 5.25 inches length, silver/brass | 2 |
GENERIC | CMR112 E 90 | $40.00 | CMR112 Assymetrical 90 degree E-Plane Bend, 1.5 x 1.87 inch legs, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | CMR112 flex 7.63" | $50.00 | CMR112 Unjacketed Flexible Waveguide, 7.63 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | CMR112 load | $35.00 | CMR112 Short Body Load, 2 Watts, 0.94 inch length, aluminum | 1 |
GENERIC | CMR112 x WR112 flex | $45.00 | CMR112 x UG52 (WR112 choke flange) Unjacketed Flexible Waveguide Section, 4.75 inches length | 1 |
GENERIC | CPR112G E 90 | $50.00 | CPR112G (grooved flanges) 90 degree E-Plane Mitre Bend, 2 inch bend radius, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | CPR112G x CPR90G | $75.00 | CPR112 (grooved flange) x CPR90 (grooved flange) Taper Section, 2.5 inches length, brass | 2 |
GENERIC | CPR112-WR112 adapter | $75.00 | CPR112 x WR112 Flange Adapter, 3 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | CPR112-WR112 adapter | $75.00 | CPR112G (grooved flange) x WR112 Flange Adapter, 1.45 inch length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 1.15" | $30.00 | WR112 Straight Section, 1.15 inch length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 12.35" | $95.00 | WR112 Straight Section, 12.35 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 2" | $30.00 | WR112 Straight Section, 2 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 2" | $30.00 | WR112 Straight Section, 2 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 2.12" | $30.00 | WR112 Straight Section, 2.12 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 2.24" | $30.00 | WR112 Straight Section, 2.24 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 2.25" | $35.00 | WR112 Straight Section, 2.25 inches length, silver/brass | 2 |
GENERIC | WR112 2.25" | $30.00 | WR112 Straight Section, 2.25 inches length, aluminum, choke/choke flanges | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 2.25" | $30.00 | WR112 Straight Section, 2.25 inches length, brass, choke/choke flanges | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 3" | $30.00 | WR112 Straight Section, 3 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 3.5" | $30.00 | WR112 Straight Section, 3.5 inches length, brass, choke/choke flanges | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 45 deg. Twist | $45.00 | WR112 45 degree Twist Section, 12 inches length, brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 4-port crossguide | $50.00 | WR112 4-Port Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling, brass, 4 inches length | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 8.5 GHz BPFL | $50.00 | WR112 Band Pass Filter, 8.475-8.550 GHz, brass, 4.5 inches length | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 E 45 mitre | $40.00 | WR112 45 degree E-Plane Mitre Bend, brass, choke flanges | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 E 90 | $45.00 | WR112 90 degree E-Plane Bend, 3 inch bend radius, brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 E 90 | $45.00 | WR112 90 degree E-Plane Bend, 1.5 inch bend radius, aluminum | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 E bend | $45.00 | WR112 Assymetrical 90 degree E-Plane Bend, 1.0 x 2.25 inch legs, aluminum, choke flanges | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 rotary joint | $165.00 | WR112 U-Shape Rotary Joint, 7.05-10.0 GHz, 2.3 inches center-to-center, aluminum | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 scalar horn | $115.00 | WR112 Scalar Horn Antenna, 3-ring scalar 2 inch diameter sctructure, 5.12 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 SLIDE SCREW TUNER | $75.00 | WR112 Slide Screw Tuner, uncalibrated drives, 6.25 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 twist 10" | $65.00 | WR112 90 degree Twist Section, 10 inches length, silver/bnrass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 twist 12" | $65.00 | WR112 90 degree Twist Section, 12 inches length, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 x CMR112 | $75.00 | WR112 x CMR112 Flange Adapter, 2 inch length | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 x CMR112 | $75.00 | WR112 x CMR112 Adapter Section, brass, 3.25 inches length | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 x CPR112G | $60.00 | WR112 UG51/U to CPR112G (grooved) Flange Adapter/Bulkhead, 3.25 x 2.5 inch mount x 0.5 inch thick, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR112 x WR97 | $75.00 | WR112 x WR97 Single Step Taper, 8.62 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
HERLEY | 88725 | $90.00 | WR112 SPDT Switch, 24 VDC | 1 |
HNL, INC. | 26844A | $50.00 | WR112 Jacketed Flexible Section, 3.9 inches length, cover/choke | 4 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | H281A | $115.00 | WR112 x N(f) Adapter | 15 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | H290A | $35.00 | WR112 Straight Section, 1.5 inches length, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | H370A | $110.00 | WR112 Fixed Attenuator, 3 dB, 1 Watt maximum | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | H375A | $150.00 | WR112 Direct Reading Variable Attenuator, 0-20 dB, 1 Watt max. | 3 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | H382A | $450.00 | WR112 Precision Direct Reading Attenuator, 0-50 dB | 12 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | H421A | $75.00 | WR112 Crystal Detector, negative polarity | 4 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | H424A | $125.00 | WR112 Crystal Detector, negative polarity, BNC(f) output | 12 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | H424A-002 | $150.00 | WR112 Crystal Detector, negative pol., matched load option, BNC(f) output | 4 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | H486A | $275.00 | WR112 Thermistor Mount, -20/+10 dBm, for HP 432 series meters | 6 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | H750D | $150.00 | WR112 4-Port Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling | 6 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | H750E | $150.00 | WR112 4-Port Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB coupling | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | H752A | $295.00 | WR112 Directional Coupler, 3 dB coupling | 3 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | H752C | $295.00 | WR112 Directional Coupler. 10 dB coupling | 12 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | H752D | $295.00 | WR112 Directional Coupler, 20 dB coupling | 8 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | H841A | $90.00 | WR112 H-Plane (Shunt) Tee, 3.25 inches length | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | H845A | $165.00 | WR112 Hybrid Tee, 3.25 inches length | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | H870A | $185.00 | WR112 Slide Screw Tuner, vernier read | 4 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | H880A | $225.00 | WR112 E-H Plane Tuner, uncalibrated drives | 2 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | H910A | $150.00 | WR112 Low Power Termination, 1.02 VSWR, 1 Watt maximum | 7 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | H914A | $200.00 | WR112 Moving Load, uncalibrated drive | 4 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | H920A | $185.00 | WR112 Sliding Short, uncalibrated drive | 5 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | HX292B | $125.00 | WR112 x WR90 Waveguide Taper | 15 |
HUGGINS | HF-8223 | $175.00 | WR112 Isolator, 25 dB, 7.05-9.25 GHz, 10 Watts average power maximum | 3 |
INTERNATIONAL TELECOM COMPONENTS | 01011208-08 | $300.00 | CPR112 (grooved flange) High Power Load, 1000 Watts/ 460 kW peak, 19.2 inches length | 1 |
JUNCTION DEVICES | RIH-111-CPR | $175.00 | CPR112 Isolator, 30 dB, 7.05-10.0 GHz | 1 |
JUNCTION DEVICES\ | RIH-11 | $175.00 | WR112 Isolator, 30 dB, 7.05-10.0 GHz | 1 |
JVM | WR112 term | $60.00 | WR112 Low Power Termination, 1.04 VSWR, 2 Watts, 8 inches length, silver/brass | 2 |
KEARFOTT | C994-100510 | $165.00 | WR112 Isolator, 30 dB, 7.05-10.0 GHz | 1 |
KEARFOTT | C994-100606 | $75.00 | WR112 Isolator, 20 dB, 8.1-9.2 GHz | 1 |
KEARFOTT | C994-103010 | $175.00 | WR112 Isolator, 30 dB, 7.05-10.0 GHz, 10 Watts maximum | 1 |
KEVLIN | Hughes-390169 | $295.00 | WR112 Dual Channel Rotary Joint, 7.7-8.5 GHz, 7 inch diameter four hole mount, 10 inches length | 1 |
L3 COMMUNICATIONS | 60964 | $50.00 | WR112 90 degree E-Plane Bend, 1.8 inch bend radius, brass, cover/choke flanges | 2 |
L3 COMMUNICATIONS | 61115 | $35.00 | WR112 Straight Section, 1.75 inches length, brass | 1 |
LECTRONIC | 444-2-7 | $45.00 | WR112 90 degree E-Plane Bend, cover/choke flanges, brass | 1 |
LEXAN INDUSTRIES | SK4473-3 | $50.00 | WR112 90 degree E-Plane Mitre Bend, 2 inch bend radius, brass | 1 |
LIEDER DEVELOPMENT | LD11210DPF | $300.00 | CPR112 Dual Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling, N(f) coupled arms | 1 |
LIEDER DEVELOPMENT | LD112CN | $95.00 | CPR112 (grooved) x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
LOGUS MICROWAVE | LO112BTX2 | $175.00 | WR112 (choke flanges) DPDT Transfer Switch, manual or 28V operation, switch rotates an E plane bend | 1 |
LOGUS MICROWAVE | LO112-BUTX2 | $135.00 | WR112 (choke flanges) Manual DPDT Transfer Switch, with indicator lines on a 6-pin MS connector | 1 |
M.C.S. | H-112-4.25 | $60.00 | WR112 Straight Section, 4.25 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | H166 | $65.00 | CPR112F (flat flange) x CMR112 Adapter Plate, 0.5 inch thick, aluminum | 3 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | H209D2 | $225.00 | WR112 x APC7 Adapter, 1.05 VSWR | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | H213A2 (cpr) | $195.00 | CPR112F (flat flange) x N(f) Adapter, 1.05 VSWR | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | H213D2 | $195.00 | WR112 x N(f) Adapter, 1.05 vSWR | 3 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | H221A | $115.00 | WR112 x N(f) End Launch Adapter | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | H750A | $200.00 | WR112 Isolator, 30 dB, 7.05-10.0 GHz | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | H750A | $165.00 | WR112 Isolator, 30 dB, 7.05-10.0 GHz | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | H750D (cmr) | $145.00 | CMR112 Isolator, 35 dB, 7.2-8.4 GHz, 20 Watts maximum | 6 |
MDL | 112AC46-1E | $95.00 | WR112 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
MDL | 112AC46-2F | $95.00 | WR112 (choke flange) x N(f) Adapter, silver/brass | 1 |
MDL | 112CT106-4E | $125.00 | WR112 Short Body Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling, directivity 25 dB, 10 in. length, aluminum, cover/choke/choke flanges | 1 |
MDL | 112TH32-B | $115.00 | WR112 Folded Hybrid Tee, two output ports are parallel and coplanar in the H plane, 2.1 inches center-to-center | 1 |
MDL | 112XT599 | $265.00 | WR112 Dual Direction Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB forward & 20 dB reverse coupling, N(f) coupled ports, 6 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
MELABS | J-7915 | $100.00 | WR112 Circulator, 23 dB isolation, 7.7-8.4 GHz, 2.5 inches length | 2 |
MELABS | SYF-3070 | $165.00 | WR112 Isolator, 30 dB, 7.05-10.0 GHz, 10 Watts average | 1 |
MERIDIAN | MS35156-9 | $45.00 | WR112 90 degree H-Plane Bend, cover/choke flanges, aluminum, 4.12 inches bend radius | 3 |
MESA MICROWAVE | 1006 | $100.00 | CPR112G (grooved flanges) Band Pass Filter, 7.87-8.42 GHz, 12.07 inches length, brass | 1 |
MESA MICROWAVE | 1013 | $50.00 | CPR112G (grooved flanges) 90 degree H-Plane Mitre Bend, brass | 1 |
MESA MICROWAVE | 1024 | $40.00 | CPR112G (grooved flanges) Straight Section, 2.0 inches length, brass | 1 |
MESA MICROWAVE | 1032 | $50.00 | CPR112G/WR112 90 degree H-Plane Bend, 2 inch bend radius, brass, one CPR112G (grooved flange)/ one UG51 (cover) flange | 1 |
MICRO PRECISION | MP-WTCA-112 | $95.00 | WR112 x SMA(f) Adapter | 1 |
MICROPHASE | R310 | $150.00 | WR112 Band Pass Filter, 7-10 GHz passband, 8 inches length, silver plated brass | 1 |
MICROTECH | 026844 | $50.00 | WR112 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide Section, 3.85 in., cover/choke | 2 |
MICROTECH | 203326 | $85.00 | WR112 x WR90 Taper Section, 3.25 inches length, aluminum, choke/choke flanges | 2 |
MICROTECH | E1496 | $95.00 | WR112 choke flange x N(f) Adapter | 2 |
MICROTECH | MTPS-112-501-N-12B | $85.00 | WR112 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 12 inches length, brass, cover/choke flanges | 3 |
MICROTECH | MTPS-112-CPRGN12B | $135.00 | CPR112 (grooved flanges) Jacketed Flexible Section, 12 in.length | 1 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | 07914-S001 | $145.00 | CMR112 Circulator, 20 dB isolation, 7.05-8.5 GHz, 2.12 inches length | 1 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | 277-0303-040 | $135.00 | WR112 Circulator, 23 dB isolation,, 7.12-7.75 GHz, 2.62 inches length | 1 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | 8H42-S001 | $235.00 | WR112 (choke flanges) 4-port Hybrid Ring Circulator (Duplexer) 8.5-9.6 GHz, 20 dB isolation Antenna to Transmitter & Load ports, and Transmitter to Receiver & Load ports, 12.5 inches length | 1 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | MA-676A | $25.00 | WR112 Spacer, 0.75 inch length, choke flanges | 2 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | MA-8D201 | $150.00 | WR112 Isolator, 20 dB, 7.05-10 GHz | 1 |
MICROWAVE DEVELOPMENT | 45112-101 | $185.00 | CPR112 Dual Feed OMT with 0-360 deg. Variable pol., 7.1-8.4 GHz | 1 |
MICROWAVE DEVELOPMENT | 65112-E | $50.00 | CPR112 90 degree E-Plane Bend, aluminum | 1 |
MICROWAVE DEVELOPMENT CO. | 66112-6 | $75.00 | CPR112F (flat flange) to WR112 (UG138/U flange) Adapter, 6 inches length, aluminum | 3 |
MICROWAVE ENG. | H40-562 | $95.00 | CPR112 grooved flange x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
MICROWAVE ENGINEERING | H10A-4-1-4 | $75.00 | CPR112F (flat flange) to WR112 (UG138/U flange) Adapter, 4 inches length, aluminum | 3 |
MICROWAVE RESEARCH | H150 | $75.00 | CPR112 90 degree Twist Section, 6 inches length | 1 |
MICROWAVE RESEARCH | H150 | $65.00 | WR112 90 degree Twist Section, 6 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
MICROWAVE RESEARCH | H40-3AL | $95.00 | CMR112 x SMA(f) Adapter | 1 |
MICROWAVE RESEARCH | H40--NB | $95.00 | WR112 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
MID-CENTURY MICROWAVE | 15/10A | $95.00 | WR112 x SMA(f) Adapter, silver/brass | 1 |
MILITARY | MX-135/AP (aluminum) | $60.00 | WR112 (choke flange) x WR90 Taper Section, 2.35 inches length, aluminum | 2 |
MILITARY | MX-135?AP (brass) | $60.00 | WR112 (choke flange) x WR90 Taper Section, 2.05 inches length, brass | 1 |
MITEC | 27D4137 | $265.00 | CPR112 Triple Arm Crossguide Coupler, 40 dB & 53 dB coupled forward arms, 36 dB reverse arm, SMA(f) coupled ports, brass, CPR112F (flat) flange input/ CPR112G (grooved) flange output on 90 degree E bend, 21.2 inches length | 1 |
MITEC | M0907-6 | $185.00 | WR112 3-Port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB coupling, N(f) coupled port | 1 |
MITEC | M0926-6 | $95.00 | WR112 x N(f) Adapter | 3 |
MITEC | M0949 | $115.00 | CMR112 Matched Hybrid Tee, 4 inch length | 1 |
MITEC | M0964-30 | $75.00 | WR112 Fixed Attenuator, 30 dB, 1 watt maximum | 2 |
MITEC | M-1233-6 | $295.00 | WR112 High Power Load, 600 Watts average/ 460 kW peak, 10 inches length | 1 |
MITEC | M1348 | $95.00 | CPR112 (grooved flange) x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
MITEC | M1671-6 | $265.00 | WR112 Dual Directional Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB coupling, N(f) forward & reverse coupled ports, brass, 4.62 inch length | 1 |
MRI | CPR112F x WR112 | $65.00 | CPR112F to WR112 UG51/U Flange Adapter, brass, 3.73 inches length | 2 |
M-WAVE DESIGN | 112-DC2-40 | $375.00 | WR112 Directional Coupler, 40 dB coupling | 3 |
M-WAVE DESIGN | 112SA-1203 | $95.00 | WR112 x N(f) End Launch Adapter | 1 |
M-WAVE DESIGN | 112SA-1212 | $95.00 | CPR112 x SMA(f) End Launch Adapter | 1 |
NARDA | 1021 | $135.00 | WR112 4-Port Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling | 1 |
NARDA | 1081 | $395.00 | WR112 Sidewall Directional Coupler, 40 dB coupling | 1 |
NARDA | 301C | $150.00 | WR112 Low Power Termination, 2 Watts average/ 1 kW peak power, 1.02 VSWR | 2 |
NARDA | 351E | $60.00 | WR112 90 degree E-Plane Bend | 1 |
NARDA | 381 | $200.00 | WR112 Moving Load, uncalibrated drive | 1 |
NARDA | 411-10 | $150.00 | WR112 Standard Reflection, 1.222 VSWR | 1 |
NARDA | 611 | $95.00 | WR112 x N(f) Adapter | 2 |
NARDA | 731 | $125.00 | WR112 Variable Attenuator, 0.5-20 dB, vernier reading | 1 |
NARDA | 751 | $75.00 | WR112 Level Set Attenuator, 0-40 dB, uncalibrated drive | 1 |
NDL | H201D | $165.00 | WR112 Short Body Directional Coupler, 20 dB coupling, directivity 30 dB, 13.88 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
NERA | AAK-77 | $95.00 | CMR112 x SMA(f) Adapter | 2 |
OMEGA LABS | 316-C | $175.00 | WR112 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling | 1 |
OMEGA LABS | CPR112 x CPR90 taper | $95.00 | CPR112G (grooved flange) x CPR90G (grooved flange) Taper Section, brass, 5.8 inches lengthj | 1 |
OMNI-SPECTRA | 201856/P | $95.00 | WR112 x SMA(m) Adapter | 1 |
P&H LABS | C3-H14333-1 | $165.00 | CMR112 Circulator, 25 dB isolation, 7.05-8.75 GHz, 2.62 inches length | 1 |
POLARAD | 723543 | $65.00 | WR112 x WR90 Step Transition, 1.4 inch length, brass | 1 |
PRD | 114 | $90.00 | WR112 Low Power Termination | 1 |
PRD | 160-B | $115.00 | WR112 Level Set Attenuator, 0-40 dB, uncalibrated drive | 2 |
PRD | 355-B | $90.00 | WR112 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
QUASAR MICROWAVE | WR112 flex 24" | $125.00 | WR112 Jacketed Flexible/ Twistable Section, 24 in. length,cov/ch | 1 |
RADAR DESIGN | D-112-1 | $75.00 | WR112 Low Power Termination, 1.05 VSWR, 1 Watt | 1 |
RANTEC | IXL-407 | $75.00 | WR112 Isolator, 30 dB, 7.05-7.55 GHz | 1 |
RAYTHEON | 20-5163P1 | $225.00 | WR112 Solenoid Driven DPDT Transfer Swith, 24 vDC | 1 |
RAYTHEON | LXH-102 | $235.00 | WR112 High Power Load, 300 Watts average | 1 |
S{ECIALTY MICROWAVE | 99915-08 | $110.00 | CPR112G (grooved flanges) Straight Section, 24 inches length, brass | 1 |
SECTOR MICROWAVE | SMH-967 | $225.00 | WR112 Dual (vertically stacked) Manual/Motor DPDT Switch, 28V | 1 |
SIVERS LAB | SL-7020/61 | $150.00 | WR112 4-Position 4-Port Switch, manually operated, E plane switching | 4 |
SPECIALTY MICROWAVE | DCXN112T-30-2 | $175.00 | CPR112G (grooved flanges) 3-port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB coupling, N(f) coupled port, 3.25 inches insertion length, brass | 1 |
SPERRY | 22H1 | $150.00 | WR112 Slide Screw Tuner, vernier read | 1 |
SPERRY | 34H1 | $100.00 | WR112 Tunable Detector, positive polarity | 2 |
SPERRY | 54H3 | $95.00 | WR112 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
SPERRY | D41H5 | $165.00 | WR112 Isolator, 25 dB, 7.05-10 GHz, 10 Watts average power maximum | 1 |
STRUTHERS | 0R385B-5P28 | $175.00 | CMR112 DPDT Transfer Switch, manual or 28V operation, switch rotates an E plane bend | 6 |
STRUTHERS | NU174B-60 | $350.00 | CPR112 Directional Coupler, 60 dB coupling, N(f) coupled port | 1 |
STRUTHERS | OR335B-5-P-28 | $195.00 | CMR112 DPDT Transfer Switch, manual or solenid operation, 28V 2A switching, failsafe | 6 |
STRUTHERS | U174B-10 | $200.00 | CMR112 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling | 7 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBH-058 | $95.00 | WR112 x SMA(f) Adapter | 1 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBH-231 | $50.00 | WR112 45 degree H-Plane Bend | 1 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBH-276 | $65.00 | WR112 Pressurization Section, with 15 PSI guage, 3.5 inches length, brass | 1 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBH-480A | $195.00 | WR112 Full Band Isolator, 30 dB minimum isolation, 10 Watts average power handling | 3 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBH-530 | $295.00 | WR112 Conical Horn Antenna, with a transition to standard waveguide (UG51/U flange), 20.9 inches overall length | 1 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBH-632-30-1 | $145.00 | CPR112 (grooved flanges) 3-port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB coupling, N(f) coupled port, 4 inches length, brass | 1 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBH-675-10 | $225.00 | WR112 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling | 3 |
SYSTRON DONNER | SD-112-30-0002 | $50.00 | WR112 90 degree H-Plane Bend, 1.5 inch bend radius | 1 |
TECHNICRAFT | 12613 | $95.00 | WR112 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 18 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
TECHNICRAFT | CG-650/U | $90.00 | WR112 (choke flange) x WR90 (choke flange) Flex Section, 9.5 in. | 1 |
TECHNICRAFT | TBH-68-4-A-#X#-90 | $45.00 | WR112 90 degree H-Plane Bend, aluminum, cover/choke flanges, 3 inch bend radius | 2 |
TECHNICRAFT | TE-6BI24-204 | $275.00 | WR112 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 17 ft. length, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
TECHNICRAFT | TFT-60-4-4-18-N | $90.00 | WR112 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 18 inches length, silver/brass | 2 |
TECHNICRAFT | TS-68220 | $50.00 | WR112 Unjacketed Flexible Section, 5.75 inches length, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
TECHNICRAFT | WR112 flex 13" | $85.00 | WR112 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 13 inches length, aluminum, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
TECHNICRAFT | WR112 flex 96" | $195.00 | WR112 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide Section, 96 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
TELERAD | TTF-225-2400 | $100.00 | WR112 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 24 inches length, brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
TERRACOM | 166-0060 | $85.00 | WR112 x N(m) Adapter | 1 |
TEXSCAN | 6BW8600/300 | $65.00 | WR112 Band Pass Filter, 8.50-8.75 GHz, 5.5 inchesb length, brass | 1 |
VARIAN | CPR112 x WR137 | $100.00 | CPR112 x WR137 Waveguide Taper, brass, 2.5 inches length | 1 |
VARIAN | VTJ-587-3 | $85.00 | WR112 H-Plane (Shunt) Tee, 3.25 inches length | 1 |
WAVELINE | 501-NF | $95.00 | WR112 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
WAVELINE | 506-20 | $75.00 | WR112 Fixed Attebnuator, 20 dB | 1 |
WAVELINE | 50621 | $85.00 | CPR112F (flat flange) to WR112 UG flange Adapter, aluminum, 3 inches length | 6 |
WAVELINE | 50720 | $100.00 | CPR112G (grooved flange) x SMA(f) Adapter, brass body | 2 |
WAVELINE | 508-C | $265.00 | WR112 Variable Phase Shifter, 0-180 degrees, dial gage read, 0.5 dB maximum insertion loss | 1 |
WAVELINE | 509 | $85.00 | WR112/ CMR112 Level Set Atten., 0.5-30 dB, uncalibrated drive | 1 |
WAVELINE | 50972-1 | $195.00 | CMR112 Level Set Attenuator, 0.5-60 dB, uncalibrated drive, 12 inches length | 2 |
WAVELINE | 51050-P2 | $175.00 | CMR112 DPDT Transfer Switch, manual or 28V operation, switch rotates an E plane bend | 2 |
WAVELINE | 512 | $175.00 | WR112 Variable Attenuator, 0-40 dB, gage reasd | 1 |
WAVELINE | 51284 | $100.00 | CPR112 x WR187 Taper Section, 6-1/8 inches length | 1 |
WAVELINE | 522 | $325.00 | WR112 Precision Direct Reading Attenuator, 0-60 dB | 1 |
WAVELINE | 522R | $325.00 | WR112 Precision Direct Reading Attenuator, 0-60 dB, panel mount | 1 |
WAVELINE | 532-1 | $50.00 | WR112 90 degree E-Plane Bend, cover/choke flanges | 2 |
WAVELINE | 532-2 | $50.00 | WR112 90 degree E-Plane Bend | 1 |
WAVELINE | 539 | $50.00 | WR112 45 degree H-Plane Bend, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
waveline | 543-2 | $95.00 | wr112 Straight Section, 12 inches length, silver/brass | 2 |
WAVELINE | 543-2 (CMR) | $95.00 | CMR112 Straight Section, 12 inches length, silver/brass | 2 |
WAVELINE | 544-2 (CMR) | $100.00 | CMR112 Straight Section, 16.1 inches length, brass | 2 |
WAVELINE | 544-24 | $135.00 | WR112 Straight Section, 24 inches length, aluminum, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
WAVELINE | 558 | $175.00 | WR112 Matched Hybrid Tee | 2 |
WAVELINE | 568 (CMR) | $65.00 | CMR112 Bulkhead Feedthrough, 4 inches length, on 3.75 inch diameter 6-hole round flange, silver plated brass | 2 |
WAVELINE | 568 (CMR) | $60.00 | CMR112 Bulkhead Feedthrough Section, 4 inches length, center mounted to 3.8 in. dia. 6-hole circular flange, brass | 1 |
WAVELINE | 569-20-CMR | $175.00 | CMR112 4-Port Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling | 1 |
WAVELINE | 569-30 | $175.00 | WR112 4-Port Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB coupling | 1 |
WAVELINE | 573-30 | $395.00 | WR112 Ultra Flat Directional Coupler, 30 dB coupling, 32.5 inches length | 1 |
WAVELINE | 574-03 | $295.00 | WR112 Directional Coupler, 3 dB coupling | 1 |
WAVELINE | 574-10 | $295.00 | WR112 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling | 2 |
WAVELINE | 574-20 | $295.00 | WR112 Directional Coupler, 20 dB coupling | 4 |
WAVELINE | 578-E | $165.00 | WR112 2-Position 4-Port DPDT Switch, manually oprated, E-plane switch | 3 |
WAVELINE | 579-E/ CPR (52086) | $235.00 | CPR112 DPDT Transfer Switc, E-Plane switching, 24 VDC with m,annual overide | 2 |
WAVELINE | 580 | $75.00 | WR112 Shutter Swirch (SPST), 3 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
WAVELINE | 587 | $375.00 | WR112 High Power Load, 1000 Watts average power/ 460 kW peak | 1 |
WAVELINE | 590 (CMR) | $65.00 | CMR112 90 degree Twist Section, 6 inches length, silver plated brass | 1 |
WAVELINE | 590-2 | $60.00 | WR112 90 degree Twist Secvtion, 6 inches length, brass | 2 |
WAVELINE | 694--A | $85.00 | WR112 (choke flange) x WR90 (cover flange) Taper Section, 5.13 inches length | 1 |
WAVELINE | 694-C | $85.00 | WR112 (choke flange) x WR90 (choke flange) Taper Section, 5 13 inches length | 4 |
WAVELINE | 717667 | $225.00 | WR112 Dual Dir.Cplr.,10 dB coupling,directivity 35 dB,7.9-8.4GHz | 1 |
WAVELINE | 912759 | $95.00 | WR112 3-Port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 59 dB, 8-10 GHz, N(f) coupled | 1 |
WAVELINE | WG-102P | $30.00 | CMR112 Straight Section, 1.5 inch length, brass | 1 |
WAVELINE | WG-115-P1 | $60.00 | CMR112 90 degree Twist Section, 6 inches length, brass | 2 |
| | | WR137 WAVEGUIDE: 5.85-8.20 GHz | |
ADVANCED MICROWAVE COMPONENTS | 3401932-1 | $85.00 | CPR137G (grooved flange) Short Body Termination, 1.5 inches length, 2 Watts, aluminum | 1 |
ADVANCED MICROWAVE COMPONENTS | A3192724-204 | $135.00 | CPR137F Low Power Termination, 12 inches length, 5 Watts average power, 1.04 VSWR, aluminum | 2 |
ADVANCED MICROWAVE COMPONENTS | SM-C-949071 | $85.00 | CPR137G (grooved flange) Short Body Termination, 2.38 inches length, 5 Watts, aluminum | 7 |
AERCOM | 129511 | $115.00 | CPR137 (output) x SMAf (input) Iso-adapter, 18 dB isolation, 5.8-7.0 GHz, with -40 dB SMAf test ports | 1 |
AERCOM | AER-0924 | $100.00 | CPR137 Iso-Adapter, 20 dB isolation, 5.8-6.8 GHz, N(m) input/ CPR137F output, brass, 20 Watts maximum | 1 |
AIRCOM | F12-XC | $150.00 | WR137 4-port Crossguide Coupler, 40 dB cvoupling | 1 |
AIRTRON | 335904-1 | $75.00 | CMR137 Isolator, 20 dB, 5.9-6.5 GHz, 10 Watts maximum, brass, 3.25 inches length | 2 |
AIRTRON | 337523 | $100.00 | CMR137 Circulator, 30 dB isolation, 6.5-7.0 GHz, 3.25 inches length | 2 |
AIRTRON | BCT-325-1800 | $115.00 | WR137 Twistable/ Flexible Waveguide, 18 inches length, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
ALCATEL | 402002776 | $95.00 | CMR137 Circulator, 23 dB isolation, 5.9-6.4 GHz | 18 |
ALCATEL | 470117828 | $60.00 | CMR137 x SMA(f) End Launch Adapter, 5.9-6.4 GHz bandwidth | 2 |
ANDREW | 54418-137 | $135.00 | CPR137 (grooved flange) x N(f) Adapter | 5 |
ANDREW | 55001-137 | $100.00 | CPR137 Pressure Window, brass, 10 PSI maximum *new old stock* | 2 |
ANDREW | 55051-4 | $85.00 | WR137 (UG343B/U choke flange) to CMR137 flange adapter, 4 inches length, brass | 1 |
ANDREW | 55220-137 | $65.00 | WR137 90 degree E-Plane Bend, cover/choke flanges, 4 inch bend radius, brass | 6 |
ANDREW | 55221-137 | $65.00 | WR137 90 degree H-Plane Bend, cover/choke flanges, 4 inch bend radius, brass | 12 |
ANDREW | 55403-137-4 | $85.00 | CPR137G 90 degree H-Plane Bend, 4.05 inches bend radius, brass, grooved flanges, dent tune optimized for 6.425-7.125 GHz | 1 |
ANDREW | 55414-12-3 | $90.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) Straight Section, 12 inch length, brass *new old stock* | 2 |
ANDREW | 55437-137 | $95.00 | CPR137 (grooved flange) x CMR137 Adapter, 4 inches length, brass | 1 |
ANDREW | 55983-137 | $95.00 | CMR137 x N(f) Adapter | 3 |
ANDREW | 59220-33 | $110.00 | CPR137G (grooved) x CPR112G (grooved) Taper Section, 7.5 inches length, brass | 1 |
ANDREW | 62901-137 | $125.00 | CPR137G (grooved flange) Low Power Termination, 4 Watts, 1.02 VSWR, 5.925-7.125 GHz, brass body, 3.5 inches length | 1 |
ANDREW | 65791-137-4 | $65.00 | CMR137 90 degree Stepped Twist Section, 2.15 inches length, brass | 2 |
ANDREW | A137-CEN | $85.00 | CPR137G (grooved flange) x CMR137 Flange Adapter, 4 inches length, brass | 1 |
ANDREW | C137-CNDG | $145.00 | CPR137 (grooved flange) x N(f) Adapter | 7 |
ANDREW | C137-CNSG | $145.00 | CPR137 (grooved flange) x N(f) Adapter, brass | 21 |
ANDREW | C137-ENSG | $135.00 | CMR137 x N(f) Adapter , brass | 10 |
ANDREW | C137-FNSG | $135.00 | CMR137 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
ANDREW | F137BBB3 | $225.00 | WR137 Flexible/ Twistable Waveguide Section, 36.25 inches length | 4 |
ANDREW | F137-PC-0360-CA | $235.00 | CPR137G Jacketed Flexible/ Twistable Waveguide, 36 inches length, brass, grooved flanges | 1 |
ANDREW | H137PF040F040BG | $65.00 | CMR137 90 degree H-Plane Bend, 4 inch bend radius, brass | 1 |
ANDREW | R137PC0040ESN | $85.00 | CPR137 (grooved flange) x CMR137 Flange Adapter, brass, 4 inches length | 1 |
ANRITSU | 23UM70 & 24UM70 | $195.00 | WR137/UAR70/UDR70 1/8-wavelength & 3/8-wavelength Offset Short pair | 2 |
ANRITSU | 24UA137 | $100.00 | WR137/ CPR137F 3/8 wavelength offset short | 1 |
ANRITSU | 26UA137 | $195.00 | WR137/ CPR137F Precision Low Power termination | 16 |
ANRITSU | 26UM70 | $195.00 | UAR70/ WR137 Precision Low Power Termination | 2 |
ANRITSU | 35UM70N | $195.00 | UAR70/ WR137 to N male Adapter | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 101-0975 | $95.00 | CPR137F x CMR112 Taper, 3 inches length, brass | 2 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 10352 | $100.00 | CMR137 Circulator, 25 dB isolation, 5.8-7.2 GHz, 3.25 inches length | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 10514 | $135.00 | CPR137 (grooved flange) x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 11499-8 | $275.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) Dual Directional Crossguide Coupler, 50 dB coupling both directions, N(f) coupled ports, brass, 5 inches length | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 12297 | $425.00 | CPR137G (grooved flange) High Power Load, 1000 Watts a verage/ 720 kW peak, dimensions 12" x 5" x 5", aluminum | 2 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 13961 | $100.00 | CPR137F (flat flange) to WR112 UG52B/U (choke flange) Step Transition, built on a 90 degree E plane bend, brass | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 14328-2 | $275.00 | CPR137G Circulator, 18 dB isolation, 5.4-8.2 GHz, 200 Watts average power, 3 inches insertion length, grooved flanges | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 14368/15057 | $195.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) Low Pass Filter, 5.8-8.2 GHz passband, >30 dB rejection above 9.45 GHz, 6 inches length, silver plated brass | 3 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 14547 | $235.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) Dual Directional Crossguide Coupler, 46 dB forward coupling/ 39 dB reverse coupling, SMA(f) coupled ports, 11 inches length, input arm incorporates an E-Plane 90 bend, brass construction | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 14613-1 | $250.00 | CPR137F (flat flanges) Triple Arm Crossguide Coupler,45 dB & 50 dB forward coupling, 45 dB reverse coupling, coupled arms terminated, SMA(f) coupled ports, 12 inches length, 90 ddgree H-plane bends in opposite orientations as CPR137 input/output, brass co | 3 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 15050 | $275.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) Dual Directional Crossguide Coupler, 40 dB forward & reverse coupling, SMA(f) coupled ports, 5 inches length, brass | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 15057 | $235.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) 8.2 GHz Low Pass Filter, -30 dB at 9.3 GHz, 6 inches length, silver plated brass | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 15543-9 | $275.00 | CPR137 High Power Circulator, 20 dB, 5.7-7.2 GHz, 200 Watts average power, 4.25 inches insertion length | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 15867-1 | $250.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) Unidirectional Dual Arm Crossguide Coupler, 50 dB coupling on both SMA(f) coupled ports, 90 degree H bends on input & output ports, in the same direction, brass body, 9.38 inches length, brass body | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 15868-1 | $250.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) Dual Arm Unidirectional Crossguide Coupler, two 50 dB coupling arms with SMA(f) coupled ports, 90 degree E bend on input, 90 degree H bend on output, brass, 8.25 inches length | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 16001 | $235.00 | CPR137 5.85-6.65GHz Harmonic Suppression Filter,-80dB 11.7-13.3 GHz *new old stock, with test data* | 6 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 17444-01 | $100.00 | CPR137F (flat flange) Low Power Termination, 5 Watts max., aluminum body | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 17619-01 | $250.00 | CPR137F (flat flanges) Circulator, 20 dB isolation, 5.8-7.0 GHz, 200 Watts average power, aluminum frame, 3.25 inches length | 5 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 17622-01 | $195.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) Folded Matched Hybrid Tee, fourth port internally terminated, 5.8-6.5 GHz, aluminum construction, 5.63 x 3.30 x 2.25 inches | 4 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 17623-01 | $195.00 | CPR137 Folded Matched Hybrid Tee, fourth port internally terminated, 5.8-6.5 GHz, aluminum construction, 5.63 x 3.30 x 1.25 inches, input port flat flange/ output ports grooved flanges | 3 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 17627-01 (A) | $90.00 | CPR137F (flat flange) Short Body Termination, 5 Watts maximum, 1.5 inch length, aluminum body | 4 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 17627-01 (B) | $90.00 | CPR137G (grooved flange) Short Body Termination, 5 Watts maximum, 1.5 inch length | 2 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 17899-01 | $85.00 | CPR137 E-Plane (series) Tee, grooved flange common port, 90 degree E bends on flat flange output ports, brass, 10.7 inches length | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 27-1752B | $85.00 | Circulator-Adapter, 18 dB isol., TNC(m)-in/ CPR137-out/ SMA(m) | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 27C1090 | $250.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) Unidirectional 3-arm Crossguide Coupler, 40 dB coupling N(f) port and 40 dB & 49 dB coupling on two SMA(f) ports, brass, 9.08 inches length | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 27C1746 | $65.00 | CPR137F (flat flanges) 90 degree Assymetrical H-Plane Bend, 3.25 x 1.1 inch legs, brass | 2 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 27C3522A | $65.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) 90 degree Assymetrical E-Plane Bend, 3.88x 1.25 inch leg lengths, brass | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 30948 | $40.00 | CPR137F (flat flanges) Straight Section, 2.38 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 34541-2 | $60.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) 90 degree Assymetrical H-Plane Mitre Bend, brass, 6.0 x 2.25 inch lengs | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 34541-4 | $60.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) 90 degree Assymetrical H-Plane Mitre Bend, brass, 3.62 x 7 inch legs | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 34545-4 | $100.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) Straight Section, 10.2 inches length, brass | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 34774-01 | $60.00 | CPR137F (flat flanges) 90 degree Assymetrical E-Plane Bend, aluminum, 1.5 inch x 1 inch leg lengths | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 34945-02 | $60.00 | CPR137F (flat flanges) 90 degree Assymetrical E-Plane Bend, aluminum, 2.1 inch x 1.1 inch legs | 8 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 79751-193 | $85.00 | CPR137F 90 degree H-Plane Bend, 4 inch bend radius, brass, flat flanges | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | CPR137 1" shim | $35.00 | CPR137 Straight Section, 1 inch length, aluminum, flat/grooved flanges | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | CPR137 circulator | $275.00 | CPR137 Circulator, 23 dB isolation, 5.8-8.2 GHz, 200 Watts average power, 3 inches insertion length, CPR137F input & output, CPR137G third port, aluminum | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | CPR137 crossguide | $125.00 | CPR137 G (grooved flanges) 3-port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 45 dB coupling, SMA(f) coupled port, 180 degree E-Plane bend on input port, 90 degree E-Plane bend on output port with two 0.25 inch dia mounts for arc detectors in both directions, brass | 3 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | CPR137 E 90 | $75.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) Assymetrical 90 degree E-Plane Bend, 2.25 inch x 1.15 inch legs, with 3/8" NPT pressurization port, brass | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | CPR137 filter | $175.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) Multiple Passband Filter: passbands 5207-5220 MHz; 6090-6110 MHz; 7245-7290 MHz; 8370-8450 MHz; 17.35 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | CPR137 H 90 | $75.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) Assymetrical 90 degree H-Plane Bend, 2.38 inch x 1.38 inch legs, brass | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | CPR137 high power isolator | $295.00 | CPR137F (flat flanges) High Power Isolator, 20 dB, 5.8-7.2 GHz, 400 Watts average power handling, air cooled load | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | CPR137 load | $295.00 | CPR137G (grooved flange) High Power Load, 750 Watts average/710 kW peak, 6.6 inches length,aluminum body | 2 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | CPR137 load (b) | $295.00 | CPR137G (grooved flange) High Power Load, 750 Watts average/ 710 kW peak, 90 degree H plane bend on input, 8.5 inch length, brass body | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | CPR137 lowpass | $225.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) Low Pass Filter, 5.7-8.2 GHz passband, >30 dB rejection above 10 GHz, aluminum body, 6 inches length | 3 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | CPR137 triple arm crossguide | $275.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) Triple Arm Crossguide Coupler, 42 dB & 52 dB forward, 32 dB reverse, SMA(f) coupled ports, 5.75 inches length | 3 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | SK-2034-3 | $275.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) Circulator, 20 dB isolation, 5.8-8.2 GHz, 200 Watts power handling, 3 inches insertion length, aluminum | 1 |
ARMY COMM. | A3193658-1 | $195.00 | CPR137G Straight Section, 42.5 inches length, brass, grooved flanges | 1 |
ARRA | A3192724-002 | $600.00 | CPR137F (flat flanges) Calibration Kit: (2) low power terminations; (2) adapters to N female; (1) 1/8-wave Offset Short; (1) 3/8-wave Offset Short | 1 |
ARRA | AW1134-3 | $95.00 | CMR137 x N(f) Adapter, brass | 1 |
ARRA | AW1902 | $250.00 | CPR137 Variable Attenuator, 0-40 dB,lockable counter dial drive, 8 inches length, aluminum' | 1 |
ARRA | CMR-137-460 | $95.00 | CMR137 x N(f) Adapter | 2 |
ATLANTIC MICROWAVE | 126689-00-E | $195.00 | CPR137 Triple Arm Crossguide Coupler, 60 dB forward coupling, 50 dB & 53 dB reverse coupling, N(f) coupled ports, 17 inches length, brass, flat flanges | 1 |
ATLANTIC MICROWAVE | 126691-00 | $65.00 | CPR137F x WR137 UG344/U flange Flexible Unjacketed Waveguide, 2.38 inches length, brass | 1 |
ATLANTIC MICROWAVE | SHORT 1/8 & 3/8 | $135.00 | CPR137 1/8 wavelength (6.83mm) & 3/8 wavelength (20.50mm) Short Pair | 2 |
ATM | 137-203A-1 | $145.00 | CPR137G (grooved flange)x N(f) End Launch Adapter. Aluminum body | 3 |
ATM | 137-255B-2 | $135.00 | CPR137F (flat flange) x TNC(f) Adapter | 3 |
AVIAT | 086-523364-001 | $50.00 | CMR137 90 degree E-Plane Mitre Bend, 0.78 inch bend radius, aluminum, all holes tapped | 11 |
CABLEWAVE | 901170-42 | $75.00 | CPR137 x CMR137 Adapter, 4.6 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
CABLEWAVE | 920411 | $85.00 | CPR137 (grooved flange) x CMR137 Flange Adapter, brass, 4 inches length | 1 |
CABLEWAVE | NHB-137C | $60.00 | WR137 degree H-Plane Bend, cover/choke flanges, 6 inch bend radius, brass | 2 |
CASCADE RESEARCH | 1265 | $200.00 | WR137 Isolator, 30 dB, 5.8-8.2 GHz, 10 Watts maximum | 1 |
CASCADE RESEARCH | J-22-63 | $135.00 | WR137 Isolator, 40 dB, 6.9-7.9 GHz, 10 Watts maximum average power, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
CASWELL ELEC. | C-101-AX | $85.00 | CMR137 Isolator, 20 dB, 5.8-6.7 GHz, 3-1/2 inches length | 1 |
CASWELL ELEC. | C-101-K | $135.00 | WR137 Isolator, 35 dB, 5.85-6.45 GHz, 20 Watts maximum average power | 2 |
CHANNEL MICROWAVE | LJ322 | $150.00 | WR137 Isolator, 18 dB, 6.25-6.50 GHz, 200 Watts max., choke fl's | 1 |
CMT | PLPT-137 | $165.00 | CPR137F Precision Low Power Termination, 2 Watts maximum, 1.02 VSWR, 12 inches length, brass | 1 |
CMT | RA137-K-F-21BC | $165.00 | CMR137 x 2.92mm(f) Adapter | 1 |
CMT | RDCC137-3-NF-30/30-10B10B-C | $295.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) Dual Directional Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB coupling, N(f) coupled ports, 5.73 inches length, brass | 1 |
CMT | WS137 & WS137-1/4 | $165.00 | CPR137 Flush Short and 1/4-wavelength (13.850mm) Offset, brass | 1 |
COLLINS | 341-7005-4 | $50.00 | WR137 Straight Section, 4 inches length, brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
COLLINS | 341-7005-P15 | $110.00 | WR137 Straight Section, 18 inches length, brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
COLLINS | 355-0516-010 | $135.00 | CMR137 Circulator, 30 dB isolation, 5.8-6.6 GHz, 3.25 inches length | 1 |
COLLINS | 522-7475-003 | $125.00 | WR137 Single Cavity Tunable Bandpass Filter, 5.8-7.7 GHz, 10 MHz 3 dB bw, inserion from 9 dB @ 5.8 GHz to 2 dB @ 7.7 GHz, vernier drive, 2.5 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
COLLINS RADIO | 059-0000-356 | $135.00 | CMR137 Short Body Directional Coupler, 20 dB coupling, 7 inches length, directivity >15 dB, coupled port is UG344/U round flange, brass | 1 |
COM DEV LTD. | 10724-4S | $185.00 | CPR137F (flat flanges) 3-port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB coupling, N(f) coupled port, brass, 9.5 inches length | 1 |
COMMSCOPE | F137CCS3 | $225.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) Twistable/ Flexible Waveguide, 36 inches length, brass | 2 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBHJ-018 | $125.00 | WR137 x WR112 Taper Section, 4.5 inches length | 3 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBJ-059 | $95.00 | WR137 x APC7 Adapter | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBJ-210-12 | $100.00 | WR137 Straight Section, 12 inches length, brass | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBJ-234 | $50.00 | WR137 90 degree H-Plane Bend, brass | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBJ-450 | $110.00 | WR137 Low Power Termination, 1.01 VSWR, 6 Watts average power | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBJ-450 | $100.00 | WR137 Low Power Termination, 1.01 VSWR, 5 Watts average power | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBJ-630-20 | $135.00 | WR137 4-Port Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBJ-632 | $185.00 | WR137 3-Port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling, N(f) coupled port | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBJ-650 | $150.00 | WR137 Hybrid Tee, 6 inches insertion length, brass | 1 |
DENMORNAY BONARDI | DBJ-480 | $200.00 | WR137 Isolator, 30 dB, 5.85-8.2 GHz, 10 Watts average power maximum | 1 |
DENSITRON | 27C1721-C | $175.00 | CPR137F (flat flange) Medium Power Load, 100 Watts average power, dimensions 5.1" x 2.7" x 1.9" | 1 |
DENSITRON | 27C3510 | $250.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) Dual Arm Unidirectional Crossguide Coupler. 50 dB coupling both arms on SMA(f) coupled ports, input and output ports on 90 degree H plane bends in the same direction, brass body, 9.38 inches length | 1 |
DESITRON | 131-137-CPR-T1 | $145.00 | CPR137 Low Power Termination, 2 Watts average, 1.05 VSWR | 1 |
DIAMOND ANTENNA | 6545 | $75.00 | WR137 Level Set Attenuator, 0-20 dB | 3 |
DOUGLAS MICROWAVE | 256AC-5 | $145.00 | WR137 Mismatch, 1.65 VSWR, sliding termination with uncalibrated, lockable drive, choke flange | 1 |
DRAWCOM | M1325 | $65.00 | CPR137 Mylar Pressure Window, 10 PSI, 1.03 VSWR, brass, 0.05 inch thickness *new old stock* | 13 |
E&M LABS | 5.7 GHz isolator | $135.00 | WR137 Isolator, 40 dB, 5.4-6.0 GHz, 10 Watts maximum average power | 2 |
E&M LABS | Xb501LI | $135.00 | WR137 Isolator, 40 dB, 5.925-6.425 GHz, 10 Watts maximum average power | 5 |
E&M LABS | Xb502LI | $135.00 | WR137 Isolator, 40 dB, 5.425-6.875 GHz, 10 Watts maximum average power | 1 |
E&M LABS | Xb820LI | $135.00 | WR137 Isolator, 40 dB, 6.5-7.2 GHz, 10 Watts maximum average power | 2 |
FAIRVIEW MICROWAVE | FMWCP-1074 | $195.00 | WR137 4-Port Crossguide Coupler (unterminated), 50 dB coupling | 3 |
FAIRVIEW MICROWAVE | FMWTS-1000 | $125.00 | WR137 x WR112 Taper Section, 6 inches length, brass | 5 |
FARINON | 89-80442-027 | $75.00 | CPR137G x CMR137 Adapter, 1.75 inch length, brass | 3 |
FARINON | 89-80442-33 | $75.00 | WR137/CPR137 2 inch H-Plane Lateral Offset, to CMR137 flange, 3.8 inches length, brass | 1 |
FERRITE COMPOSITES | GZ-307-B | $75.00 | WR112 Isolator, 20 dB, 7.7-8.8 GHz, 2.5 inches length | 1 |
FERROCOM | 277-0303-010 | $185.00 | WR137/CMR137 Circulator, 23 dB isolation, 5.85-8.2 GHz, 3.25 inches length | 2 |
FERROCOM | 277-0444-030 | $95.00 | CMR137 Circulator, 25 dB isolation, 5.8-7.2 GHz | 8 |
FERROCOM | 5883871N01 | $135.00 | CMR137 Circulator, 30 dB isolation, 5.9-7.2 GHz, 50 Watts handling, 3.25 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
FERROCOM | 5885519K01 | $165.00 | WR137 Circulator, 30 dB isolation, 5.9-7.2 GHz, 3.25 inches length, 50 Watts maximum | 2 |
FERROCOM | 609 | $85.00 | CMR137 Circulator, 20 dB, 5.925-6.425 GHz | 1 |
FERROCOM | 616-3T | $100.00 | CMR137 Circulator, 25 dB isolation, 5.8-7.2 GHz, 3.25 inches length | 1 |
FERROCOM | 6181-SF1 | $85.00 | CMR137 x SMA(f) Iso-Adapter, 20 dB isolation, 5.925-6.425 GHz, SMA input, waveguide output | 1 |
FERROCOM | 6189-SFI | $50.00 | CMR137 Iso-Adapter, 5.925-6.425 GHz, SMA(f) input / CMR137 output | 2 |
FERROCOM | MLN6368A | $200.00 | CMR137 Double Pass Circulator Assembly, 50 dB isolation, 5.90-6.95 GHz, insertion loss <0.75 dB, 6.5 inches length, aluminum | 2 |
FERROCOM | R137-01 | $75.00 | CMR137 Isolator, 25 dB, 5.85-6.15 GHz, 10 Watts maximum, aluminum, 3.25 inches length | 1 |
FERROTEC | G-3711-A | $65.00 | CMR137 Isolator, 20 dB, 5.85-6.25 GHz, 2.5 inches length, aluminum | 4 |
FERROTEC | G-3711-B | $65.00 | CMR137 Isolator, 20 dB, 6.15-6.75 GHz, 2.5 inches length, aluminum | 4 |
FERROTEC | I-1421-L | $85.00 | CMR137 Isolator, 20 dB, 5.4-6.1 GHz, 10 Watts maximum, 3.22 inch length | 1 |
FERROTEC | MA8-P221 | $135.00 | WR137 Isolator, 40 dB, 7.2-8.2 GHz, 10 Watts average power maximum | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | C155A | $175.00 | WR137 Direct Reading Variable Attenuator, 0-20 dB, 3 Watts maximum | 5 |
FXR/MICROLAB | C311A | $175.00 | WR137 Slide Screw Tuner, vernier read | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | C312A | $295.00 | WR137 E-H Plane Tuner, vernier read drives, 4 inches inserion length | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | C502B | $135.00 | WR137 Moving Load, lockable drive | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | C510B | $150.00 | WR137 Standard Mismatch, 1.05 VSWR | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | C510D | $150.00 | WR137 Standard Mismatch, VSWR 1.20 | 2 |
FXR/MICROLAB | C612D | $150.00 | WR137 4-Port Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | C614U | $125.00 | CMR137 Short Body Dir. Coupler, 20 dB, 5.8-6.5 GHz, 12 inches | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | C624B | $50.00 | WR137 90 degree H-Plane Bend, brass | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | C630A | $175.00 | WR137 Calibrated Sliding Short, vernier read | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | C641A | $225.00 | WR137 DPDT Transfer Switch, manual;ly operated, switch rotates an H plane bend | 2 |
FXR/MICROLAB | WB-0045 | $295.00 | CMR137 Medium Power Load, 300 Watts average/ 2.75 MW peak power, 4.25 inches length, 3/15 x 3 inch heatsink, aluminum | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | WF-0045 | $395.00 | WR137/ CPR137F High Power Load, 1000 Watts average/ 710 kW peak, drilled for both UG344 and CPR137 flange patterns | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | Z116A | $125.00 | WR137 Slotted Line & Carriage, accepts HP 444A detector, 10.38 inches length | 1 |
GENERIC | CMR`137 16" | $90.00 | CMR137 Straight Section, 16 inches length, brass | 2 |
GENERIC | CMR137 2" | $30.00 | CMR137 Straight Section, 2 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | CMR137 E 90 | $45.00 | CMR137 90 degree E-Plane Bend | 1 |
GENERIC | CMR137 Sliding Load | $100.00 | CMR137 Sliding Load, uncalibrated drive, brass, 10.95 inches length | 1 |
GENERIC | CMR137 term | $50.00 | CMR137 Short Body Termination, 5 Watts, 1.5 inches length, 1.15 VSWR, aluminum | 3 |
GENERIC | CMR137 x CMR112 5.32" | $85.00 | CMR137 x CMR112 Taper Section, 5.32 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | CMR137 x CMR112 6" | $85.00 | CMR137 x CMR112 Taper Section, 6 inches lenghth, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | CMR137-UG344 adapter | $75.00 | CMR137 x UG344 Flange Adapter, brass, 2 inches length | 1 |
GENERIC | CPR137 pressure window | $75.00 | CPR137 Pressure Window (15 PSI) mounted in Bulkhead Feedthru, 0.40 inch thick, 3.0 inch x 4.3 inch mount, flat pressure side/grooved flange opposite | 3 |
GENERIC | CPR137 x CMR137 | $85.00 | CPRF137 x CMR137 Flange Adapter Section, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | CPR137 x CMR137 | $75.00 | CPR137 to CMR137 Flange Adapter, 3 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | CPR137 x CMR137 | $65.00 | CPR137F (flat flange) x CMR137 Flange Adapter Shim, 0.38 inch thick, aluminum | 1 |
GENERIC | CPR137 x CPR112 | $85.00 | CPR137 x CPR112 Taper Section, brass, 7.5 inches length | 1 |
GENERIC | CPR137 x WR137 flex adapter | $65.00 | CPR137 (flat flange) x WR137 UG344/U Flex-guide Flange Adapter, 2.5 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | CPR137G load | $95.00 | CPR137G (grooved flange) Low Power Termination, 4 Watts, 1.05 VSWR, brass body, 3.5 inches length | 1 |
GENERIC | WR137 12.75" | $100.00 | WR137 Straight Section, 12.75 inches length, brass, choke/choke flanges | 2 |
GENERIC | WR137 18" | $110.00 | WR137 Straight Section, 18 inches length, brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
GENERIC | WR137 3.75" | $50.00 | WR137 Straight Section, 3.75 inches length, brass, choke/choke flanges | 1 |
GENERIC | WR137 30 dB attenuator | $65.00 | WR137 30 dB Fixed Attenuator, 2 Watts max., 5.38 inches length | 1 |
GENERIC | WR137 33 dB attenuator | $65.00 | WR137 33 dB Fixed Attenuator, 2 Watts max., 5.38 inches length | 1 |
GENERIC | WR137 flex 11.75" | $75.00 | WR137 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 12 inches length, brass, cover/choke flanges | 3 |
GENERIC | WR137 termination | $65.00 | WR137 Low Power Termination, 2 Watts, VSWR<1.05, aluminum body, 8 inches length | 1 |
GENERIC | WR137 x CMR137 | $65.00 | WR137 (UG344/U flange) x CMR137 Flange Adapter, 2.38 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR137 x CMR137 | $85.00 | WR137 (UG344/u flange) x CMR137 Flange Adapter, 4 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR137 x CPR137F 4.4" | $75.00 | WRE137 (UG344/U flange) x CPR137F (flat) Flange Adapter, 4.4 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR137 x CPR137G | $75.00 | WR137 (UG344/U flange) x CPR137G (grooved) Flange Adapter, 0.95 inch length, brass | 1 |
GHz TECHNOLOGIES | A5089-2 | $65.00 | CMR137 Iso-Adapter, 25 dB isolation, SMA(m) input / CMR137 output | 2 |
GTE LENKURT | 049-53590-02 | $135.00 | CMR137 Circulator, 35 dB isolation, 6.425-7.125 GHz, 3.25 inches length | 1 |
HARRIS FARINON | 094-037798-001 | $100.00 | CMR137 Circulator, 25 dB isolation, 5.8-7.2 GHz, 3.25 inches length | 1 |
HARRIS FARINON | 101-83206 | $185.00 | CMR137 Circulator, 20 dB isolation, 5.85-8.2 GHz, 50 Watts handling, 3.25 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | J281A | $115.00 | WR137 x N(f) Adapter | 18 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | J370D | $100.00 | WR137 Fixed Attenuator, 20 dB, 1 Watt maximum | 2 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | J375A | $195.00 | WR137 Direct Reading Variable Attenuator, 0-20 dB, 1 Watt max. | 10 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | J382A | $550.00 | WR137 Precision Direct reading Attenuator, 0-50 dB | 4 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | J424A | $125.00 | WR137 Crystal Detector, negative polarity, BNC(f) output | 13 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | J424A-002 | $150.00 | WR137 Crystal Detector with matched load, negative polarity, BNC(f) output | 2 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | J485B | $150.00 | WR137 Tunable Detector Mount, neg. polarity, uncalibrated drive | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | J486A | $275.00 | WR137 Thermistor Mount, for HP 432 series power meters | 5 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | J752A | $395.00 | WR137 Directional Coupler, 3 dB coupling | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | J752C | $395.00 | WR137 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling | 11 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | J752D | $395.00 | WR137 Directional Coupler, 20 dB coupling | 5 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | J870A | $195.00 | WR137 Slide Screw Tuner, vernier read | 3 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | J885A | $495.00 | WR137 Direct Reading Phase Shifter, 0-360 degrees | 3 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | J910A | $175.00 | WR137 Termination, 1 Watt | 6 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | J914A | $195.00 | WR137 Moving Load, 1 Watt, uncalibrated drive | 5 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | J920A | $175.00 | WR137 Adjustable Short, uncalibrated drive | 6 |
HUBER + SUHNER | S42015 | $135.00 | CPR137 (grooved flange) X N(f) Adapter | 1 |
HUGHES | 2837507 | $150.00 | CMR137 Low Pass Filter, 5.8-7.5 GHz passband, >30 dB rejection at 9 GHz, aluminum, 6.13 inches length | 1 |
INNOVATECH | 024905025140 | $90.00 | CMR137 Straight Section, 14 inches length, brass | 4 |
INNOVATECH | 024905025175 | $90.00 | CMR137 Straight Section, 17.5 inches length, brass | 4 |
INNOVATECH | 137-CMRCC-PRT400 | $50.00 | CPR137G to CMR137 Flange Adaper, brass, 4.25 inch length | 26 |
INNOVATECH | 137E45-CPRCCPRT | $50.00 | CPR137 45 degree E-Plane Bend, brass, flat/grooved flanges | 1 |
INNOVATECH | CMR137/CLR-CMR137/TAP-5 | $50.00 | CMR137 Unjacketed Flexible Waveguide Section, 5 inches length, brass | 3 |
INNOVATECH | CMR137/TAP-CMR/CLR-2.9 | $50.00 | CMR137 Unjacketed Flexible Waveguide Section, 2.9 inches length, brass | 1 |
INNOVATECH | CMR137/TAP-CMR/CLR-3 | $50.00 | CMR137 Unjacketed Flexible Waveguide Section, 3 inches length, brass | 3 |
INNOVATECH | CMR137/TAP-CMR/CLR-3.25 | $50.00 | CMR137 Unjacketed Flexible Waveguide Section, 3.25 inches length, brass | 3 |
INNOVATECH | CMR137/TAP-CMR/CLR-8 | $60.00 | CMR137 Unjacketed Flexible Waveguide Section, 8 inches length, brass | 1 |
KEARFOTT | W277 | $75.00 | WR137 Isolator, 40 dB, 5.8-6.5 GHz | 1 |
LENKURT | 049-43652-02 | $50.00 | CMR137 Short Body Termination, 2 Watts, 1.15 VSWR, 1.5 inch length, brass | 1 |
LIEDER DEVELOPMENT | CMR137-SMA | $125.00 | CMR137 x SMA(f) Adapter | 4 |
LIEDER DEVELOPMENT | CPR137 crossguide | $185.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) 3-port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB coupling, N(f) coupled port, brass, 6 inches length | 1 |
LIEDER DEVELOPMENT | LDT-137 | $135.00 | CPR137 Low Power Termination, 2 watts maximum, 1.05 VSWR | 1 |
LOCKHEED MARTIN | 1518132-8 | $20.00 | CPR137F Shim, 0.5 inch thick, aluminum | 6 |
M2 GLOBAL | 024-080-765-041 | $50.00 | CMR137 90 degree H-Plane Bend, 1.7 inch bend radius, brass | 2 |
M2 GLOBAL | 024-080774-139 | $50.00 | CMR137 90 degree E-Plane Bend, 2.0 inch bend radius, brass | 1 |
M2 GLOBAL | 089-080442-027 | $75.00 | CPR137G to CMR137 Flange Adapter, brass, 1.75 in. length | 8 |
M2 GLOBAL | 089-080442-037 | $85.00 | CPR137G to CMR137 Flange Adapter, brass, 4 inches length | 2 |
M2 GLOBAL | 089-080442-038 | $75.00 | CPR137G to CMR137 Flange Adapter, brass, 1.75 inches length | 3 |
M2 GLOBAL | 089-080442-15 | $85.00 | CPR137G to CMR137 Flange Adapter, brass, 4 inches length | 1 |
MACOM | MA-909-S005 | $95.00 | CMR137 x N(f) Adapter, aluminum body | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | C160 | $125.00 | WR137 X WR112 Taper Section, 5 inches length *new old stock* | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | C213A2 | $235.00 | WR137 (UG344) or CPR137F x N(f) Adapter, 1.05 VSWR, drilled for both flange pattens *new old stock* | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | C213D2 | $175.00 | WR2137 x N(f) Adapter, 1.05 VSWR | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | C213K | $125.00 | CMR137 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | C229A | $135.00 | WR137/CMR137 x APC7 End Launch Adapter, 1.25 VSWR | 2 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | C230K1 | $225.00 | WR137 x 3.5mm male NMD End Launch Adapter | 1 |
MDL | 137PS26-1E-CPR | $295.00 | CPR137 Variable Phase Shifter, 0-360 degrees, 5.4-5.9 GHz, vernier drive | 1 |
MDL | 137XT43-30P-4D | $150.00 | WR137 4-port Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB coupling, 4 inches length, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges on main and coupled arms | 1 |
MDL | 157211-001 | $200.00 | WR137 Low Pass Filter, 5.8-7.0 GHz passband, -30 dB rejection at 8.3 GHz, silver/aluminum, 6.5 inches length | 1 |
MELABS | J-7497 | $100.00 | CMR137 Circulator, 18 dB isolation, 6.2-7.0 GHz, 3.25 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
MICROTECH | 232004 | $165.00 | WR137/CMR137 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide Section, 24 inches length, brass, one UG344 flange/ one CMR137 flange | 16 |
MICROTECH | 242945 | $165.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) Twistable Joint; rigid articulated (step-twist) assembly allows up to 90 degrees of rotation, 3.7 inches length, aluminum construction | 1 |
MICROTECH | 58C84292G-01 | $135.00 | CMR137/ WR137 (one CMR flange, one UG344 flange) Twistable/ Flexible Waveguide, brass, 24 inches length | 1 |
MICROTECH | CPR137G twist-flex 36" | $225.00 | CPR137G Jacketed Flexible/ Twistable Waveguide, 36 inches length, brass, grooved flanges | 2 |
MICROTECH | MRCC137-501A-3B | $45.00 | WR137 Straight Section, 3 inches length, brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
MICROTECH | MSPS137GGS2A | $60.00 | CPR137 Jacketed Flexible Section, 2 inches length,aluminum, grooved flanges *NEW* | 14 |
MICROTECH | MTPS-137-ZZN-30B | $225.00 | WR137 Flexible / Twistable Jacketed Waveguide, 30 inches length | 1 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | 277-0303-020 | $185.00 | WR137/CMR137 Circulator, 30 dB isolation, 5.85-7.25 GHz, 3.25 inches length | 1 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | 7K-8Z6 | $65.00 | CMR137 Iso-Adapter, 20 dB, 5.6-7.5 GHz, SMA(m) input/ wg output | 1 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | I-1376L | $75.00 | Isolator, 30 dB, 5.85-6.25 GHz, 10 Watts maximum, 3.25 inches length | 1 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | I-1395L | $75.00 | CMR137 Isolator, 20 dB, 5.9-6.5 GHz, 10 Watts maximum, 3.25 inches length, aluminum | 4 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | I-1426L | $75.00 | CMR137 Isolator, 30 dB, 5.85-6.425 GHz, 3.25 inches length | 1 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | J8603 | $165.00 | WR137/CMR137 Circulator, 25 dB isolation, 5.9-7.1 GHz, 3.25 inches length, 50 Watts handling, drilled for UG344 and CMR137 flanges | 3 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | MA-178 | $135.00 | WR137 Isolator, 40 dB, 6.25-8.0 GHz, 20 Watts maximum average power | 1 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | MA7-K826 | $85.00 | CMR137 Iso-adapter, 30 dB isolation, 5.8-6.5 GHz, SMA(f) input/ CMR137 output | 1 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | MA802768 | $125.00 | CMR137 Band Pass Filter, 6.92-6.96 GHz, 9.25 inches length, brass | 2 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | MA8-K548 | $100.00 | CMR137 Circulator, 25 dB isolation, 5.8-7.2 GHz, 3.25 inches length | 1 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | MA-8K548t-S010 | $100.00 | CMR137 Circulator, 30 dB isolation, 5.9-6.5 GHz, 3.25 inches length | 3 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | MA8-K614 | $100.00 | CMR137 Circulator, 35 dB isolation, 6.25-7.20 GHz, 3.25 inches length | 1 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | MA-909N | $95.00 | CMR137 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | MC9264 | $85.00 | CMR137 Isolator, 25 dB, 5.9-6.5 GHz, 10 Watts maximum | 1 |
MICROWAVE RESEARCH | 900810-1 | $90.00 | CMR137 x SMA(f) Adapter, aluminum body, incorporates a -30 dB 5.9-7.1 GHz signal tap on a second SMA(f) connector | 3 |
MICROWAVE RESEARCH | 900995-1 | $85.00 | CMR137 Low Power Termination, 5 Watts, 1.1 VSWR, 1.57 inch length | 1 |
MICROWAVE RESEARCH | J40-NAL | $95.00 | CMR137 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
MILITARY | AN/UG780/U | $45.00 | WR137 45 degree H-Plane Bend, aluminum, cover/choke flanges *new old stock* | 2 |
MITEC | CMR137 H 90 | $60.00 | CMR137 90 degree H-Plane Bend, brass | 3 |
MITEC | CMR137 x CPR137 15" | $85.00 | CMR137 x CPR137F (flat) Adapter Section, 15 inches length, brass | 1 |
MITEC | CPR137 flex 11.88" | $100.00 | CPR137 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 11.88 inches length, brass | 2 |
MITEC | M0926-05-03 | $95.00 | CMR137 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
MITEC | M0926-5 | $95.00 | CMR137 x N(f) Adapter *new old stock* | 1 |
MITEC | M0927-05-18 | $95.00 | WR137 (choke flange) x SMA(f) Adapter | 1 |
MITEC | M1251 | $50.00 | CMR137 Short Body Termination, 5 Watts, 1.15 VSWR, 1.62 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
MITEC | M1394-01 | $295.00 | CMR137 Directional Coupler, 30 dB coupling, N(f) coupled port, brass, 15 inches length | 2 |
MITEC | M1640-5-18-B-33P | $125.00 | CMR137 Jacketed Flexible/ Twistable Waveguide, 18 inches length, brass | 2 |
MITEC | WR137 36.5" flex-twist | $225.00 | WR137 Flexible/ Twistable Waveguide Section, 36.5 inches length, brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
NARDA | 1012 | $145.00 | WR137 4-Port Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling | 1 |
NARDA | 1082 | $395.00 | WR137 Sidewall Directional Coupler, 40 dB coupling, directivity 30 dB | 2 |
NARDA | 302B | $125.00 | WR137 Low Power Termination, 1.015 VSWR, 2 Watts average/ 1 kW peak | 1 |
NARDA | 392 | $350.00 | WR137 High Power Load, 300 Watts average/ 600 kW peak | 1 |
NARDA | 532 | $95.00 | WR137 Detector, positive polarity, BNC(f) output | 1 |
NARDA | 551 | $110.00 | WR137 Tunable Mixer, LO=+16 dBm on N(f) input, 1N23 diode IF output on UHF(f), lockable sliding backshort | 1 |
NARDA | 612 | $95.00 | WR137 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
NARDA | 732 | $135.00 | WR137 Variable Attenuator, 0-20 dB, vernier drive, 4 inches length | 2 |
NEICO MICROWAVE | 21821-1 | $65.00 | Half-Height WR137 x SMA(f) Adapter | 1 |
OMEGA LABS | 106X11 | $95.00 | CMR137 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
OMEGA LABS | 296X5 | $350.00 | WR137 Sidewall Directional Coupler, 50 dB, SMA-f coupled port | 2 |
OMEGA LABS | WR137 bi-directional coupler | $150.00 | WR137 Broadwall Bi-Directional Coupler, 6 dB coupling, coupled arm not internally terminated, 19.75 inches length | 1 |
OMEGA LABS | WR137 termination | $85.00 | WR137 Low Power Termination, conical load, 1.03 VSWR, 2 Watts, 5.25 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
PASTERNACK | PEWCP-1031 | $375.00 | WR137 Directional Coupler, 30 dB coupling *new old stock* | 6 |
PENN ENGINEERING | 1248-4B | $125.00 | CPR137G (grooved flange) x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
PENN ENGINEERING | 1448-4B-NB | $135.00 | CPR137G (grooved flange) x SMA(f) Adapter *new old stock* | 3 |
PRD | 1204 | $150.00 | WR137 Isolator, 20 dB, 5.85-8.20 GHz, 10 Watts maximum | 1 |
PRD | 156-B | $135.00 | WR137 Variable Attenuator, 0-40 dB, guage read | 1 |
PRD | 177-B | $135.00 | WR137 Variable Attenuator,arbitrary dial, 0-40 dB | 2 |
PRD | 177-BP | $195.00 | WR137 Variable Attenuator, 0-40 dB, arbitrary 0-100 dial scale' | 1 |
PRD | 178 | $145.00 | WR137 Variable Attenuator, 0-45 dB, guage drive, 8.5 inches length | 1 |
PRD | 317 | $175.00 | WR137 Calibrated Sliding Short, counter dial reads 0.00-4.70 cm short position, brass, 11 inches length | 2 |
PRD | 455 | $50.00 | WR137 90 degree H-Plane Bend, 4.25 inch bend radius, brass | 1 |
PRD | 479 | $150.00 | WR137 Hybrid tee, 5.1 inches insertion length, brass | 2 |
RACAL | 14T-1741 | $50.00 | CMR137 Short Body Termination, 1.5 inch length, 5 Watts average' | 1 |
RADIO FREQUENCY SYSTEMS | TF137-CC1-0241 | $185.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) Flexible/ Twistable Waveguide Section, 24 inches length | 4 |
RANTEC | CXB-201 | $150.00 | WR137 Double Pass Circulator, 35 dB isolation, 5.7-6.0 GHz, 13 inches length | 1 |
RCA | 478191-1 | $75.00 | CMR137 Level Set Attenuator, 0-20 dB, uncalibrated drive, 6 in. | 1 |
RCA | M1-48238 | $300.00 | WR137 Directional Coupler, 3 dB coupling, directivity >40 dB, 26.5 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
ROCKWELL | 341-10046P5 | $85.00 | CMR137 Termination, 5 Watts | 3 |
ROCKWELL | 690-1402-001 | $60.00 | CMR137 Iso-Adapter, 20 dB isdolastion, 5.925-6.425 GHz, waveguide input/ SMA(f) output | 1 |
ROCKWELL | 690-1405 | $165.00 | WR137 Circulator, 25 dB isolation, 5.6-7.9 GHz, drilled for UG and CMR flange hole patterns all ports | 3 |
ROCKWELL | 803442-15 | $50.00 | CMR137 Assymetrical 90 degree E-Plane Bend, 1.5 x 2.05 inch legs, aluminum | 1 |
SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA | TAF-5.8/4 | $135.00 | WR137 Antenna Feed, 8 dBi gain, 8.25 inches length, with 1.8 inch length pyramidal flare, opening to 2.25 inch x 1.7 inch aperture, aluminum | 1 |
SECTOR MICROWAVE | 3-BF3 | $225.00 | CPR137 Manual or Motor operated DPDT Switch, 28 VDC | 1 |
SECTOR MICROWAVE | 3HF | $225.00 | CPR137 4-Port DPDT Transfer Switch, 117 VAC coil | 1 |
SECTOR MICROWAVE | SM3-364 | $235.00 | CPR137 DPDT Transfer Switch, manual or motor operation, 120 VAC | 3 |
SONOMA ENGINEERING | CMR137-SMA | $95.00 | CMR137 x SMA(f) Adapter | 1 |
SPACE MACHINE & ENG. | WSH137 | $265.00 | WR137 Standard Gain Horn, 22.1 dBi gain mid-band, 5.85-8.20 GHz, with integral N(f) launch | 1 |
SPECIALTY MICROWAVE | A137N-2 | $145.00 | CPR137 (grooved flange) x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
SPECIALTY MICROWAVE | CPR137 load | $145.00 | CPR137G (grooved flange) Medium Power Load, 40 Watts average/ 2.75 MW peak, 4 inches length, brass body | 1 |
SPECIALTY MICROWAVE | DL137-10 | $65.00 | CPR137G (grooved flange) Short Body Termination, 1.7 inch length, 5 Watts max., brass | 2 |
SPECIALTY MICROWAVE | PW-1-137 | $110.00 | CPR137G (flat/grooved flanges) Pressure Window & Pressurization Section, 0.5 inch thick, 3/8"NPT pressure inlet, brass | 1 |
SPERRY | 42G1 | $150.00 | WR137 Termination, 1 Watt | 1 |
SPERRY MICROLINE | 42C1-137 | $100.00 | WR137 Low Power Termination, 1.015 VSWR, 2 Watts maximum | 1 |
STAR MICROWAVE | 5241 | $85.00 | CMR137 x N(f) Adapter | 2 |
STRUTHERS | NU174A-60 | $350.00 | CPR137 Directional Coupler, 60 dB coupling, N(f) coupled port | 3 |
SYLVANIA | FD-502 | $165.00 | WR137 Isolator, 20 dB, 5.85-8.20 GHz | 1 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBJ-210-3 (cmr) | $85.00 | WR137 (UG344) x CMR137 Adapter, 3 inches length | 1 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBJ-221 | $50.00 | WR137 30 degree E-Plane Bend, brass | 2 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBJ-222 | $50.00 | WR137 45 degree E-Plane Bend, brass | 3 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBJ-223 | $50.00 | WR137 60 degree E-Plane Bend, brass | 2 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBJ-231 | $50.00 | WR137 30 degree H-Plane Bend, brass | 3 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBJ-232 | $50.00 | WR137 45 degree H-Plane Bend, brass | 1 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBJ-233 | $50.00 | WR137 60 degree H-Plane Bend, brass | 3 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBJ-642-20 | $195.00 | WR137 Crossguide Dual Dir. Coupler, 20 dB, N(f) coupled ports | 1 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBJX-018-2/058-2 | $90.00 | WR137 to Quarter-Height Waveguide 6" Taper & SMA(f) Adapter | 1 |
SYSTRON-DONNER | DBJ-272 | $50.00 | WR137 45 degree Twist Section, 10 inches length | 1 |
TECHNICRAFT | 110682-00 | $75.00 | CPR137F Unjacketed Flexible Section, 4.95 inches length, brass, flat flanges | 1 |
TECHNICRAFT | TL-72-4-B-4-N | $60.00 | WR137 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 4 inches length, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
TECHNICRAFT | WR137 flex 38" | $175.00 | WR137 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 38 inches length, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 2 |
TECHNICRAFT | WR137 flex 5.43" | $60.00 | WR137 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 5.43 inches length, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
U.S. NAVY | DA-20/U | $325.00 | WR137 High Power Load, 420 Watts average/ 600 kW peak, 1.15 VSWR | 1 |
UMT | V306E02A4 | $50.00 | CMR137 90 degree E-Plane Mitre Bend, 1.3 inch bend radius, aluminum *new old stock* | 12 |
UNIQUE BROADBAND | 145D-137-30-3-NF-CMR-T2-CMR-T1 | $265.00 | CMR137 Dual Directional Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB coupling, coupling arms internally terminated with N(f) coupled ports, 6 inches length, brass | 1 |
UNIQUE BROADBAND | 145D-137-30-3-NF-CPR-T1-CPR-T1 | $265.00 | CPR137 Dual Directional Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB coupling, coupling arms internally terminated with N female coupling ports, 6 inches length, brass | 4 |
UNIQUE BROADBAND | 148D-137-30 | $265.00 | CPR137F/CMR137 Dual Directional Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB coupling, N(f) coupled ports, 6 inches length, brass; CPR137F input/ CMR137 output (reversible) | 1 |
UNIQUE BROADBAND SYSTEMS | 121-137-N-F-CMR-T2 | $110.00 | CMR137 x N(f) Adapter, brass *new old stock* | 1 |
US ARMY COMMUNICATIONS | A3273839-1 | $65.00 | CPR137G (grooved flanges) 90 degree E-plane Bend, assymetrical (3.38 x 4.5 inch) legs, brass | 14 |
UTE MICROWAVE | CWA-4649-TT | $110.00 | CPR137 Iso-adapter, 18 dB isolation, 6.2-6.8 GHzm SMA(f) input/ CPR137F output, with SMA(f) output 40 dB short loop coupler included | 1 |
VARIAN | 2043578 | $100.00 | WR137 In-Line Detector Mount , 3 inches length, 1N23 diode, choke flanges, aluminum | 1 |
VARIAN | CPR137 hi power isolator | $425.00 | CPR137 High Power Dual Pass Isolator, 300 Watts average power, 20 dB isolation, <0.5 dB insertion loss, 5.6-6.8 GHz, 16.5 inches length | 1 |
VARIAN | CPR137/UG344 flex 2.38" | $60.00 | CPR137F / UG344 flanged Unjacketed Flexible Waveguide, 2.25 inches length, brass | 2 |
VARIAN | F137CA2 | $225.00 | CPR137 Low Pass Filter, 5.8-8.2 GHz passband, -30 dB at 10.35 GHz, -45 dB at 10.45 GHz, 8 inches length, aluminum, flat flanges | 1 |
VARIAN | VUC-3494 | $200.00 | CPR137F High Power Isolator and Harmonic Filter assembly, 5.8-6.8 GHz 20 dB isolation, 100 Watts power handling, harmonic filtering >60 dB above 11 GHz | 1 |
VARIAN | VUJ-8527 | $115.00 | WR137 Photo-diode Arc Detector,UG344B/U choke flange / CPR137F flange, brass, 20 inches length, with pressurization input | 2 |
VARIAN | VUJ-8564 | $195.00 | CPR137 Medium Power Isolator/ Bandpass Filter integrated assembly, 30 dB isolation, 5.9-6.5 GHz, 50 Watts throughput, alumiinum, flat flanges | 1 |
WAVEGUIDE BENDING CO. | 137-112B-1 | $110.00 | WR137 x WR112 Taper Section, 6 inches length, brass | 1 |
WAVELINE | 40195 | $275.00 | WR137 Bi-Directional Coupler, 6 dB coupling, 4 ports without internal termination, 26 inches length | 1 |
WAVELINE | 401-APC7-CPRF | $135.00 | CPR137F (flat flange) x APC7 Adapter | 3 |
WAVELINE | 401-NF | $95.00 | WR137 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
WAVELINE | 401-NF-CMR | $125.00 | CMR137 x N(f) Adapter | 2 |
WAVELINE | 401-WLM-CMR | $95.00 | CMR137 x SMA(f) Adapter | 1 |
WAVELINE | 407-10 | $115.00 | WR137 Fixed Attenuator, 10 Db | 1 |
WAVELINE | 410 | $145.00 | WR137 Level Set Attenuator, 0.5-40 dB, uncalibrated drive, 9 inches length | 1 |
WAVELINE | 412DR | $150.00 | WR137 Direct Reading Level Set Attenuator, 0-40 dB | 1 |
WAVELINE | 417 | $100.00 | WR137 Crystal Detector, negative polarity | 3 |
WAVELINE | 422 | $395.00 | WR137 Precision Direct Reading Attenuator, 0-60 dB | 1 |
WAVELINE | 432-2 | $50.00 | WR137 90 degree E-Plane Bend, silver/brass | 1 |
WAVELINE | 452 | $165.00 | WR137 Sliding Short, uncalibrated drive | 1 |
WAVELINE | 462 | $165.00 | WR137 Adjustable Short, uncalibrated drive | 1 |
WAVELINE | 467 | $35.00 | WR137 Pressurization Section, no meter provided | 1 |
WAVELINE | 470-20 | $195.00 | WR137 3-Port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling | 3 |
WAVELINE | 470-30 | $195.00 | WR137 3-Port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB coupling | 5 |
WAVELINE | 473-20 | $375.00 | WR137 Ultra-Flat Directional Coupler, 20 dB coupling | 2 |
WAVELINE | 474-03 | $375.00 | WR137 Directional Coupler, 3 dB coupling | 6 |
WAVELINE | 474-40 | $375.00 | WR137 Directional Coupler, 40 dB coupling | 1 |
WAVELINE | 479-E | $225.00 | CMR137 DPDT Transfer Switch, manual or motor operation, 24V | 1 |
WAVELINE | 480 | $50.00 | WR137 Waveguide Shutter, 3-1/2 inches length | 1 |
WAVELINE | 481 | $295.00 | WR137 Medium Power Load, 300 Watts average/ 710 kW peak, 1.10 VSWR | 15 |
WAVELINE | 482 | $450.00 | WR137 High Power Load, 1000 Watts average/ 710 kW peak, 1.10 VSWR | 1 |
WAVELINE | 482-CPRF | $450.00 | CPR137F (flat flange) High Power Load, 1000 Watts average/ 710 kW peak, 1.10 VSWR | 2 |
WAVELINE | 483 | $175.00 | WR137 Slide Screw Tuner, vernier read | 2 |
WAVELINE | 499 | $350.00 | WR137 Standard Gain Horn, 15 dBi gain mid-band | 1 |
WAVELINE | 594-B | $125.00 | WR137 x WR112 Taper Section, 6.25 inches length, silver/brass | 2 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 13600 | $95.00 | CMR137 x SMA(f) Adapter, brass | 9 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 2A-002 | $95.00 | CMR137 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 341-10079-P1 | $85.00 | CMR137 Short Body Termination, 2.58 inches length, 10 Watts, brass body | 4 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 341-10178P-11 | $95.00 | CMR137 x N(f) Adapter, brass body | 2 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 341-10178P5 | $95.00 | CMR137 x TNC(f) right angle jack, brass body | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 549-032626-001 | $85.00 | CMR137 x SMA(f) Adapter, aluminum body | 4 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 560209-1 | $145.00 | CMR137 Directional Coupler, 3 dB coupling, 5.9-7.2 GHz, 9.75 inches length, aluminum' | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 585C85012C04 | $40.00 | CMR137 90 degree mitre E-Plane Bend, assymetrical legs 0.8 x 2.92 inches length, brass | 4 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 58-85012C03 | $50.00 | CMR137 90 degree E-Plane Mitre Bend, 0.95 inch bend radius, brass | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 58D832-38P01-B | $50.00 | CMR137 Lateral Offset, consisting of two H-plane bends, 5.25 inch center to center offset, brass | 3 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 58D83877N01 | $40.00 | CMR137 90 degree mitre E-Plane Bend, assymetrical legs 0.7 x 6.0 inches length, brass | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 58D87720C01-B | $150.00 | CMR137 3-port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB coupling, N(f) coupled port, brass, 3.5 inches length | 4 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 694-8723-006 | $45.00 | CMR137 Assymetrical E-Plane Bend, 5.7 x 7.5 inch legs, brass | 3 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 695-5960 | $90.00 | CMR137 x SMA(f) Adapter | 12 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 720-000-022 | $85.00 | CPR137 x CMR137 Flange Adapter, 2 inches length, brass | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | A7853 | $95.00 | CMR137 x SMA(f) Short Body Adapter, 1 inch length, aluminum | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | A7854 | $95.00 | CMR137 x SMA(f) Short Body Adapter, 0.80 inch length, aluminum | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | CMR137 E 90 | $50.00 | CMR137 90 degree E-Plane Bend, 1.62 inch bend radius, brass | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | CMR137 term | $50.00 | CMR137 Termination, 5 Watts, 1.10 VSWR, 3.125 inches length, brass | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | CMR137 twist | $65.00 | CMR137 90 degree Twist Section, 7.5 inches length, brass | 2 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | CMR137 x Nf | $90.00 | CMR137 x N(f) Adapter, brass, right angle N female connector | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | CPR137xCMR137 | $60.00 | CPR137 x CMR137 Adapter, 4.5 inches length, brass | 1 |
| | | CMR159 & CPR159 WAVEGUIDE: 4.90-7.05 GHz | |
AIRTRON | 502016 | $95.00 | WR137 UG340(mod) round 6-hole flange x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
ANDREW | 55417-5-3 | $75.00 | CPR159 Jacketed Flexible Section, 5 in. length, grooved flanges | 1 |
ANDREW | WFTP-159-36-59 | $200.00 | CPR159G (grooved flanges) Flexible / Twistable Waveguide Section, 36 inches length | 6 |
ANRITSU | 23UA159/24UA159 | $195.00 | CPR159 1/8 wavelength & 3/8 wavelength Offset Short Pair | 1 |
ANRITSU | 35UA159N | $195.00 | CPR159 x N(m) Adapter | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 10706-5 | $265.00 | CPR159F (flat flanges) 3-Port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 50 dB coupling, N(f) coupled port, brass, 4 inches length | 1 |
ASAP AEROSPACE | 700728 | $115.00 | CPR159 (grooved flange) x WR112 Taper Section, 8.375 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
ATLANTIC MICROWAVE | 1045-34-0027 | $85.00 | CPR159F 90 degree E-Plabe Bend, aluminum, 6 inch bend radius, flat flanges | 6 |
CMT | RFG159-11.62 | $135.00 | CPR159F (flat flanges) Jacketed Flexib;e Section, 11.62 inches length, brass | 1 |
GABRIEL | WRFM-159-12 | $125.00 | CMR159 Flexible Waveguide Section, 12 inches length *new old stock* | 10 |
GABRIEL | WRFM-159-36 | $185.00 | CMR159 Flexible Ewaveguide Section, 36 inches length *new old stock* | 1 |
GENERIC | CMR159 1" | $35.00 | CMR159 Straight Section, 1 inch length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | CPRG159-Nf | $95.00 | CPR159 (grooved flange) x N(f) Adapter, brass body | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | 375A | $175.00 | CMR159 Direct Reading Variable Attenuator, 0-20 dB, 1 Watt max. | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | F209C1 | $195.00 | CPR/CMR 159 x APC7 Adapter, VSWR <1.10, drilled for both flanges | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | F313C | $295.00 | CPR159F (flat flange) Sliding Load, lockable uncalibrated drive *new old stock* | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | SF3002B | $75.00 | CPR159 90 degree E-Plane Bend, cover/ choke flanges | 2 |
MCLI | 159-62 taper | $115.00 | CPR159 (grooved flange) x WR62 (choke flange) Taper Section, 6 inches length, brass | 1 |
MICROWAVE ENG. | D170FT-24-4-4N | $150.00 | CPR159 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide Section, 24 inches length | 1 |
MICROWAVE ENGINEERING | D80-LS | $245.00 | CMR159 Sliding Load, uncalibrated drive | 1 |
MICROWAVE RESEARCH | D40M-7A-SP | $95.00 | CMR159 x APC7 Adapter | 16 |
MICROWAVE RESEARCH | D40M-NA | $95.00 | CMR159 x N(f) Adapter | 8 |
MICROWAVRE RESEARCH | J40L-NA | $95.00 | CMR159 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
MITEC | CMR159 E 90 | $50.00 | CMR159 90 degree E-Plane Bend | 1 |
MITEC | CMR159 x CMR137 | $115.00 | CMR159 x CMR137 Taper Section, 6.25 inches length, brass | 4 |
NIECO | 1229 | $325.00 | CPR159G Medium Power Load, 500 Watts average / 1.3 MW peak, brass, grooved flange | 1 |
NIECO | CPR159 x CPR137 | $145.00 | CPR159G (grooved flange) x CPR137G (grooved flange) Taper Section, brass, 6 inches length | 1 |
OMEGA LABS | 315-C | $350.00 | CMR159 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling | 1 |
OMEGA LABS | 965 | $95.00 | CMR159 x APC7 Adapter | 1 |
TECHNICRAFT | TFT-75004-36 | $150.00 | CMR159 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide Section, 35.5 inches length | 1 |
UTE MICROWAVE | CWT-4883-OT | $95.00 | CMR159 Iso-adapter, 20 dB isolation, 5.25-7.05 GHz, SMA(f) input/ CMR159 output | 1 |
UTE MICROWAVE | CWT-4884-OT | $95.00 | CMR159 Iso-adapter, 20 dB isolation, 5.25-7.05 GHz, CMR159 input/ SMA(f) output | 3 |
WAVEGUIDE ENGINEERING | 125-1274-024-024 | $85.00 | CPR159 45 degree Twist Section. 26-7/8 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
WAVELINE | 5901-NF (CMR) | $110.00 | CMR159 x N(f) Adapter, aluminum body | 1 |
WAVELINE | 5922 | $450.00 | CMR159 Precision Direct Reading Attenuator, 0-60 dB | 3 |
WAVELINE | 5983 | $175.00 | WR159 Slide Screw Tuner, micrometer & vernier read | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 13E | $150.00 | CMR159 3-Port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 10 dB coupling | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 1502H | $50.00 | CMR159 Band Pass Filter, 6012-6056 MHz, 4-5/8 inches length | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 1503AH | $75.00 | CMR159 Band Pass Filter, 62.67-6.304 GHz, 5.6 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 1503CF | $75.00 | CMR159 Band Pass Filter, 5.990-6.025 GHz, 5.6 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 1503CK | $75.00 | CMR159 Band Pass Filter, 6.045-6.080 GHz, 5.6 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 1503CP | $75.00 | CMR159 Band Pass Filter, 6.105-6.140 GHz, 5.6 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 1503DF | $75.00 | CMR159 Band Pass Filter, 6.240-6.275 GHz, 5.6 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 1503DK | $75.00 | CMR159 Band Pass Filter, 6.300-6.335 GHz, 5.6 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 1503DP | $75.00 | CMR159 Band Pass Filter, 6.360-6.395 GHz, 5.6 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 18A | $95.00 | CMR159 Variable Attenuator, 0.5-20 dB, min-max gage indicator, 4 inches length | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 1A | $95.00 | CMR159 x N(f) Adapter, brass | 2 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 20B | $250.00 | CMR159 Variable Attenuator, 0-18 dB, arbitrary dial scale | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 38B | $95.00 | CMR159 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 3A | $95.00 | CMR159 Magic Tee, split block construction | 3 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 3F | $135.00 | CMR159 Circulator, 25 dB isolation, 5.9-6.9 GHz, 3.75 inches length, aluminum body | 6 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 504E | $95.00 | CMR159 Low Power Termination, 2 Watts, 1.07 VSWR, 1.55 inch length, brass | 2 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 5V61 | $125.00 | CMR159 Isolator, 20 dB, 5.9-6.5 GHz, 7.75 inches length | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 84DD12 | $50.00 | CMR159 90 degree E-Plane Bend, 1.45 inch bend radius, brass | 2 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 85D-0.95 | $30.00 | CMR159 Straight Section, 0.95 inch length, brass | 5 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 85DD-2.88 | $40.00 | CMR159 Straight Section, 2.88 inches length, brass | 1 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 85DD-4-2.12 | $40.00 | CMR159 J-shape 180 degree E-Plane Bend, 2.12 inch lateral offset, 2.3 inch center-to-center, brass | 3 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | 85DD-4-4.70 | $40.00 | CMR159 J-shape 180 degree E-Plane Bend, 4.7 inch lateral offset, 2.3 inch center-to-center, brass | 3 |
WESTERN ELECTRIC | A1 | $65.00 | CMR159 Isolator, 20 dB, 5.9-6.5 GHz | 1 |
| | | WR187 WAVEGUIDE: 3.95-5.85 GHz | |
3 dBm, INC. | J-215 | $295.00 | WR187 High Power Load, 2000 Watts average/ 1.3 MW peak | 2 |
3 dBm, INC. | XJ-170 | $175.00 | WR187 x WR90 Taper Section, 10 inches length, brass | 2 |
AIRCOM | 103-C | $85.00 | WR187 90 degree E-Plane Bend, brass | 1 |
AIRCOM | 140C00 | $235.00 | WR187 Variable Phase Shifter, 0-190 degrees, uncalibrated drive, 7.5 inches length | 2 |
AIRTRON | 280-2 | $125.00 | WR187 Isolator, 20 dB, 4.85-5.85 GHz, 20 Watts maximum, 6 in. length, choke flanges | 1 |
AIRTRON | 338021 | $275.00 | WR187/ CPR187F Circulator, 18 dB isolation, 3.95-5.25 GHz, drilled for both UG407 and CPR187 flanges, 8.5 inches length | 1 |
AIRTRON | 417750 | $200.00 | WR187 Low Pass Filter, 3.95-5.85 GHz passband, -30 dB at 7.1 GHz, 12.25 inches length | 1 |
AIRTRON | AR-3C-187-3 | $65.00 | WR187 Straight Section, 3 inches length, brass, cover/choke flanges | 2 |
AIRTRON | WR187 High Power Load | $295.00 | WR187 (choke flange) High Power Load, 2000 Watts average/ 1.3 MW peak, 13.25 inches length | 1 |
ANDREW | 52095-24 | $225.00 | WR187 Jacketed Flexible-Twistable Waveguide, 24 inches length, brass, cover/choke flanges *new old stock* | 6 |
ANDREW | 59210A-187 | $135.00 | WR187 (choke flange) x N(f) Adapter, brass construction | 1 |
ANDREW | C187-CNSG | $195.00 | CPR187G (grooved flange) x N(f) Adapter, brass body | 1 |
ANRITSU | 23UA187/24UA187 | $235.00 | WR187/CPR187F 1/8 & 3/8 wavelength offset short pair, 10.33mm & 30.96mm offset lengths | 1 |
ANRITSU | 24UA187 | $115.00 | WR187/ CPR187 3/8 wavelength Offset Short | 1 |
ANRITSU | 26UA187 | $195.00 | WR187/ CPR187F Precision Low Power Termination | 1 |
ANRITSU | 35UA187N | $195.00 | WR187/ CPR187F x N(m) Adapter | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 14195-1 | $250.00 | CPR187F Harmonic Filter, 3.95-5.85 GHz passband, >50 rejection 7.2-16.0 GHz, silver/brass, 7 inches length, waffle filter with heatsink | 4 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 16695-04 | $295.00 | CPR187F (flat flanges) Circulator, 20 dB isolation, 4.1-5.1 GHz, 4,0 x 3.75 x 2.5 inch aluminum body, 200 Watts maximum | 2 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 17000-1 | $395.00 | CPR187F (flat flanges) Dual Directional Crossguide Coupler, 50 dB coupling both directions, N(f) coupled ports, brass, 6 inches length | 4 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 17060-1 | $175.00 | CPR187F (flat flange) Low Power Termination, 10 Watts maximum, 1.1 VSWR, brass, 6.5 inches length | 4 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 17064-01 | $250.00 | CPR187F (flat flanges) Folded Matched Hybrid Tee, fourth port internally terminated, input & two output ports in-line on 5.05 inch centers, 13.5 inches overall length, brass construction | 2 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 17065-01 | $250.00 | CPR187F (flat flanges) Matched Hybrid Tee, fourth port internally terminated, 6 inches length, brass | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 17066-01 | $250.00 | CPR137F (flat flanges) Folded Matched Hybrid Tee, fourth port internally terminated, parallel output ports on 90 degree E bends 8 inches center-t-center, overall length 10.5 inches, brass | 2 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 17312-01 | $175.00 | CPR187F (flat flange) x TNC(f) Adapter, aluminum body | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 17312-01 | $110.00 | CPR187F (flat flange) to TNC(f) Adapter, aluminum body | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 18147 | $295.00 | CPR187G (grooved flanges) Matched Hybrid Tee | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 30956 | $65.00 | CPR187F (flat flanges) Straight Section, silver/aluminum, 1.97 inch length | 3 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 30962 | $150.00 | CPR187F (flat flange) Low Power Termination, 5 Watts max., with -36 dB SMA(f) coupled port | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 90495-1 | $45.00 | CPR187F (flat flanges) Straight Section, 2 inches length, brass | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | 90495-13 | $100.00 | WR187 Straight Section, 7.6 inches length, brass, cover/choke | 1 |
APOLLO MICROWAVES | CPR187 x WR75 | $165.00 | CPR187 x WR75 Taper Section, 12.1 inches length, aluminum | 1 |
ARRA | 187-660 | $125.00 | WR187 Low Power Termination, 8 Watts average power, 1.01 VSWR | 2 |
ARRA | 187-660 (CPR) | $125.00 | CPR187F (flat flange)/ UG407/U (drilled for both flange types) Low Power Termination, 8 Watts average power, 1.01 VSWR | 1 |
ARRA | CPR187-640A | $125.00 | CPR187F (flat flange) Low Power Termination, 8 Watts maximum, 1.10 VSWR, aluminum body | 2 |
ATLANTIC MICROWAVE | 55-806427-1 | $75.00 | CPR187G (grooved flanges) Assymetrical 90 degree E-Plane Bend, 1.7 x 2.4 inch legs, with 0-15 PSI pressure guage on longer leg] | 2 |
ATLANTIC MICROWAVE | AMC-201-CGC-N-50-A | $195.00 | WR187 3-Port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 50 dB coupling, N(f) coupled port, cover/choke fl's | 1 |
ATLANTIC MICROWAVE | CPR187 x WR187 | $75.00 | CPR187G (grooved flange) to WR187 UG406B (choke flange) Adapter, brass, 4 inches length, with cooling tube and 0.15 inch diameter mount for arc detector | 1 |
ATM | 187-308-60-2-2 | $375.00 | CPR187F Short Loop Coupler, 60 dB coupling, 3.5 inches length, N(f) coupled port | 3 |
ATM | 187-441-6-SF/BR/RD | $550.00 | WR187 Standard Gain Horn, 15 dBi gain mid-band, with detachable WR187 to SMA(f) Adapter | 2 |
BSC | ELT-12NFG | $185.00 | CPR187G (grooved flange) End Launch Adapter to N(f), silver/brass | 2 |
CMT | 44-00161-001 | $90.00 | CPR187 90 degree E-Plane Bend, 3 inch bend radius, aluminum, flat/grooved flanges | 1 |
CMT | RA187-7MM | $175.00 | CPR187 (flat flange) x APC7 Adapter, aluminum body | 2 |
CMT | RA187-N-F-1A-A | $135.00 | WR187 x N(f) Adapter, aluminum body | 1 |
CMT | RAH187-N-F-1A-A | $150.00 | WR187 High Power Adapter to N(f), aluminum body, 1000 Watts average power | 1 |
CMT | RAH187-TNC-1A-A | $150.00 | WR187 High Power Adapter to TNC(f), aluminum body, 1000 Watts average power | 4 |
CMT | RCC187-2-C-B-40 | $235.00 | WR187 3-port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 40 dB coupling | 1 |
CMT | RCC187-3-20-NF | $225.00 | CPR187F (flat flanges) 3-port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling, N(f) coupled port, aluminum, 5.5 inches length | 1 |
CMT | RFG187-12.35 | $135.00 | CPR187F (flat flanges) Jacketed Flexible Section, 12.35 inches length, brass | 1 |
CMT | RPU187-1B-10B-C | $115.00 | CPR187G (grooved flange) / UG-49/U WR187 Pressurization Section. Brass, one grooved CPR flange, one flat UG flange, 6 inches length | 1 |
COLEMAN MICROWAVE | BS-104261 | $150.00 | WR187 Band Reject Filter, >30 dB rejection 4.30-4.45 GHz, passband 5.4-5.0 GHz, 5 in. length, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
CUBIC | 9E-00643 | $295.00 | WR284 High Power Load, 2500 Watts average/ 1.3 MW peak, 25.88 inches length | 1 |
DEFENSE COMM. AGENCY | 55-806976-1 | $75.00 | wr187 180 degree E-Plane Bend, 7 inches center-to-center, 2.25 inch lateral offset, aluminum | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBK-010-4 | $65.00 | WR187 Straight Section, 4 inches length, brass, cover/choke flanges | 4 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBK-210-8 | $95.00 | WR187 Straight Section, 8 inches length, brass | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBK-21-12 | $125.00 | WR187 Straight Section, 12 inches length, brass | 2 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBK-464 | $295.00 | WR187 High Power Load, 2000 Watts average/ 1.3 MW peak, 14 inches length | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBK-510 | $195.00 | WR187 Standard Gain Horn, 10 dBi gain mid-band | 1 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBK-650 | $275.00 | WR187 Hybrid Tee | 2 |
DEMORNAY BONARDI | DBK-915 | $375.00 | WR187 Variable Phase Shifter, 0-180 degrees, uncalibrated drive, 12 inches length | 2 |
DOUGLAS MICROWAVE | 1961 | $325.00 | WR187 Standard Gain Horn, 15 dBi gain mid-band, 9.8 inches length, 6.12 inch x 4.75 inch aperture, silver/brass | 1 |
DOUGLAS MICROWAVE | SP102C-1 | $75.00 | CMR187 x WR187 (UG407/U) Flange Adapter, brass, 3 inches length | 2 |
FARINON | ISOADAPTER | $75.00 | WR187 input/ SMA(f) output Iso-Adapter, 25 dB isol., 4.5-5.85 GHz | 2 |
FERRITE COMPOSITES | CDC-17 | $375.00 | CPR187F (flat flanges) Dual Directional Loop Coupler, 55 dB coupling, N(f) coupled ports, 6 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
FERRITE COMPOSITES | CL3-12-03 | $285.00 | CPR187 High Power Load, 1000 Watts average power/ 1.3 MW peak | 1 |
FERROCOM | 4700-SFI | $100.00 | CMR187 Iso-Adapter, 25 dB isolation, 4.4-5.0 GHz, SMA(f) input/ CMR187 output | 2 |
FERROTEC | BP220 | $195.00 | WR187 Isolator, 30 dB, 3.95-5.85 GHz, 20 Watts average power maximum | 1 |
FERROTEC | I-1441-L | $95.00 | CMR187 Isolator, 25 dB, 4.25-4.75 GHz, 10 Watts maximum, 4.5 inches length | 2 |
FLANN MICROWAVE | 12063 | $995.00 | WR187 Direct Reading Phase Shifter, 0-360 degrees | 1 |
FLANN MICROWAVE | 12094-SF40 | $165.00 | WR187 x SMA(f) Adapter, 1.14 VSWR | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | 601-A19 | $100.00 | WR187 x GR900 (14mm) Adapter | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | 601-B16 | $100.00 | WR187 (choke flange) x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | 601-D98 | $100.00 | WR187 x N male Adapter | 12 |
FXR/MICROLAB | DA-149/U | $350.00 | WR187 High Power Load, 2000 Watts average/ 1 MW peak power | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | H157A | $175.00 | WR187 Isolator, 20 dB, 3.95-5.85 GHz, 10 Watts maximum | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | H410B | $235.00 | WR187 Direct Reading Frequ.Meter, 3.95-5.85 GHz, with N(f) coupled cavity bandpass output, 0.5 MHz bandwidth, -20 dB from input level | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | H501B | $100.00 | WR187 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | H510A | $175.00 | WR187 Standard Mismatch, 1.00 VSWR | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | H510B | $175.00 | WR187 Standard Mismatch, 1.05 VSWR | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | H510E | $175.00 | WR187 Standard Mismatch, 1.50 VSWR | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | H601B | $100.00 | WR187 x N(f) Adapter | 3 |
FXR/MICROLAB | H601BS1 | $95.00 | WR187 (choke flange) x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | H601C | $100.00 | WR187 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | H610A | $400.00 | WR187 Directional Coupler, 3 dB coupling | 2 |
FXR/MICROLAB | H610B | $400.00 | WR187 Directional Coupler, 6 dB coupling | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | H620A | $135.00 | WR187 Series (E-Plane) Tee | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | H621A | $135.00 | WR187 Shunt (H-Plane) Tee | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | H622A | $275.00 | WR187 Hybrid Tee | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | H624B | $85.00 | WR187 90 degree H-Plane Bend | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | H630A | $195.00 | WR187 Adjustable Short, vernier read drive | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | WB-A01 | $150.00 | WR187 Medium Power Termination, 200 Watts average/ 1.8 MW peak, aluminum, 4.12 inches length | 1 |
FXR/MICROLAB | WF-0035 | $375.00 | WR187 High Power Load, 2000 Watts average/ 1.0 MW peak, 9.88 inches length | 1 |
GENERIC | CPR187 x WR187 | $75.00 | CPR187F (flat flange) x WR187 UG47/U Flange Adapter, milled aluminum 1 inch thick, both flange patterns on both ends | 2 |
GENERIC | CPR187/CMR187 attenuator | $100.00 | 35 =/-5 dB Attenuator, 3.9-4.6 GHz, 10 Watts maximum, CMR187 x CPR187G flanges, 3.78 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | CPR187F load | $95.00 | CPR187F (flat flange) Low Power Termination, 5 Watts average, 1.05 VSWER, brass body, 7 inches length | 1 |
GENERIC | UG flange- CPR flange | $90.00 | UG407/U round flange to CPR187F rectangular flat flange Adapter, aluminum, 1 inch length | 5 |
GENERIC | WR187 6 dB attenuator | $95.00 | WR187 Fixed Attenuator, 6 dB, 1 Watt maximum, 10 inches length, brass | 1 |
GENERIC | WR187 7.5" | $90.00 | WR187 Straight Section, 7.5 inches length, brass, COVER/CHOKE FLANGES | 1 |
GENERIC | WR187 cg | $135.00 | WR187 3-Port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling | 1 |
GENERIC | WR187 load | $85.00 | WR187 Low Power Termination, 5 Watts maximum, 1.05 VSWR, brass body, 6.25 inches length | 1 |
GENERIC | WR187 x SMAf | $100.00 | WR187 (choke flange) x SMA(f) Adapter | 1 |
GHZ MICROWAVE | J362H | $500.00 | WR187 Directional Coupler, 40 dB coupling, length 34.75 inches | 1 |
GUIDE INDUSTRIES | 1392' | $150.00 | WR187 Sliding Load, lockable uncalibrated drive, silver/brass | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | G281A | $135.00 | WR187 x N(f) Adapter | 9 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | G370C | $125.00 | WR187 Fixed Attenuator, 10 dB, 1 Watt maximum | 3 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | G370D | $125.00 | WR187 Fixed Attenuator, 20 dB, 1 Watt maximum | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | G372C | $350.00 | WR187 Precision Fixed Attenuator, 10 dB, 2 Watts maximum | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | G375A | $195.00 | WR187 Direct Reading Variable Attenuator, 0-20 dB, 1 Watt max. | 2 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | G382A | $700.00 | WR187 Precision Direct Reading Attenuator, 0-50 dB | 3 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | G424A | $150.00 | WR187 Crystal Detector, negative polarity, BNC(f) output | 5 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | G424A-002 | $165.00 | WR187 Crystal Detectot, negative polarity, with matched load resistor, BNC(f) output | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | G485B | $135.00 | WR187 Tunable Detector Mount, neg. polarity, uncalibrated drive | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | G486A | $275.00 | WR187 Thermistor Mount, for HP 432 series power meters | 6 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | G750D | $235.00 | WR187 4-Port Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | G750E | $235.00 | WR187 4-Port Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB coupling | 3 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | G752A | $550.00 | WR187 Directional Coupler, 3 dB coupling | 3 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | G752C | $550.00 | WR187 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling | 4 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | G752D | $550.00 | WR187 Directional Coupler, 20 dB coupling | 6 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | G810B/809B/444A | $495.00 | WR187 Slotted Line with carriage and detector | 1 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | G870A | $225.00 | WR187 Slide Screw Tuner, vernier read | 2 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | G910A | $175.00 | WR187 Low Power Termination, 1 Watt | 2 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | G914A | $200.00 | WR187 Moving Load, uncalibrated drive | 5 |
HP/KEYSIGHT | G920A | $175.00 | WR187 Adjustable Short, uncalibrated drive | 5 |
IMC MICROWAVE | IPW-187-C | $100.00 | WR187 Pressure Window, 1.32 inch length, aluminum, choke/choke flanges | 2 |
IMC MICROWAVE | JH83/20 | $375.00 | CPR187 Dual Dir. Coupler, 60 dB, N(f) coupled ports,13.38"length | 1 |
INSPIRNETICS | 55-806433-1 | $90.00 | CPR187G / UG406B/U 90 degree E-Plane Bend with 4.5 x 4.5 inch bulkhead flange, 6 inch legs, aluminum, one UG round flange/ one CPR rectangular flange | 1 |
JUNCTION DEVICES | R1C11 | $235.00 | WR187 Isolator, 30 dB, 3.95-5.85 GHz, 20 Watts maximum | 1 |
JUNCTION DEVICES | RIC-11 | $225.00 | WR187 Isolator, 30 dB, 3.95-5.85 GHz, 20 Watts average power maximum | 1 |
LIECO | C-022 | $400.00 | WR187 Directional Coupler, 20 dB coupling | 1 |
LIEDER DEVELOPMENT | LD18787 | $75.00 | WR187 90 degree Twist Section, 6.75 inches length, aluminum, choke flanges | 1 |
LITTON | 1044167 | $85.00 | WR187 90 degree E-Plane Bend | 1 |
LOGUS MICROWAVE | LO187APF-2X23 | $295.00 | CPR187 SPDT Failsafe Switch, 28 VDC, with indicator lines | 1 |
LOGUS MICROWAVE | LOC-162 | $225.00 | WR187 DPDT Transfer Switch, manual or 28 VDC operation | 1 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | G221A1 | $250.00 | WR187 x N(f) End Launch Adapter, VSWR<1.10 *new old stock* | 3 |
MAURY MICROWAVE | G313 | $235.00 | WR187 Sliding Termination, uncalibrated drive | 1 |
MDL | 187-436-1D | $195.00 | WR187 4-port (unterminated) Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB coupling, silver/brass, 5 inches length | 2 |
MDL | 187AC189 | $100.00 | WR187 (choke flange) x SMA(f) Adapter | 2 |
MDL | 284AC26A | $375.00 | WR187 Dual Directional Loop Coupler, 66 dB coupling, aluminum body, 6 inches length, cover/choke flanges | 3 |
MDL | 46A14 | $325.00 | WR187 Matched Hybrid Tee, 4.5 inches length, choke flanges | 1 |
MDL | WR187-CPR187F adapter | $85.00 | CPR187F (flat flange) to UG-149A/U Flange Adapter, brass, 2.5 inches length | 2 |
MICRO-RADIONICS | C-9931 | $60.00 | WR187 Isolator, 20 dB, 5.25-5.85 GHz | 2 |
MICROTECH | 203480 | $90.00 | WR187 Jacketed Flexible 90 degree Twist, 10.25 inches length, aluminum, choke flanges | 1 |
MICROTECH | WR187 flex 12" | $135.00 | WR187 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 12 inches length, cover/choke flanges, brass | 1 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | MA-1458A | $100.00 | WR187 Pressure Window, 0.15 inch thickness, silver/brass | 1 |
MICROWAVE ASSOCIATES | MA-735 | $100.00 | WR187 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
MICROWAVE DEVELOPMENT | 63187-188 | $145.00 | CMR187 x EIA-7/8 Adapter, with coax line pressurization inlet | 3 |
MICROWAVE RESEARCH | G150C | $85.00 | WR187 90 degree Twist Section, 8 inches length, brass, cover flanges | 3 |
MICROWAVE RESEARCH | G150C(ch) | $85.00 | WR187 90 degree Twist Section, 8 inches length, brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
MITEC | F5186 | $75.00 | CPR187 90 degree Twist Section, 9 in. length, grooved/flat fl's | 1 |
NARDA | 1013 | $185.00 | WR187 4-Port Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling | 1 |
NARDA | 1083 | $550.00 | WR187 Narrow Wall Directional Coupler, 40 dB coupling, directivity 30 dB | 2 |
NARDA | 1213 | $185.00 | WR187 Isolator, 20 dB, 3.95-5.85 GHz, 20 Watts maximum | 2 |
NARDA | 201B-1 | $375.00 | WR187 Directional Coupler, 47 dB coupling, N(f) coupled port, aluminum, 19 inches length, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
NARDA | 201B-2 | $500.00 | WR187 Directional Coupler, 44 dB coupling, N(f) coupled port, directivity 25 dB, 19 inches length, aluminum, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
NARDA | 303 | $115.00 | WR187 Low Power Termination, 5 Watts average/ 2 kW peak, 1.015 VSWR | 1 |
NARDA | 323B | $425.00 | WR187 High Power Load, 2000 Watts average power/ 1.0 MW peak | 5 |
NARDA | 513 | $95.00 | WR187 Tunable Detector | 1 |
NARDA | 613A | $100.00 | WR187 x N(f) Adapter | 5 |
NARDA | 643 | $450.00 | WR187 Standard Gain Horn, 16 dBi gain mid-band | 2 |
NARDA MICROLINE | 45C1-10 | $400.00 | WR187 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling | 1 |
NERA | CPR187-SMAf | $145.00 | CPR187F (flat flange) x SMA(f) Adapter | 1 |
OMEGA LABS | 144-B | $95.00 | WR187 Fixed Attenuator, 6 dB | 1 |
OMEGA LABS | 314-C | $400.00 | WR187 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling | 1 |
OMNI-SPECTRA | 2000-6251-00 | $95.00 | WR187 X SMA(f) Adapter | 1 |
PARKER SEAL CO. | 043159 | $40.00 | WR187 choke/coke flanged Gasket, silver plated, 0.1 inch thickness | 2 |
PASTERNACK | PE9861-10 | $195.00 | CMR187 Standard Gain Horn, 10 dBi gain mid-band, 15.62 inches length | 1 |
PASTERNACK | PEWCA-1076 | $185.00 | CPR187F (flat flange) x SMA(f) Adapter, aluminum body *new old stock* | 1 |
PENN ENGINEERING | 1252-5B-NH | $145.00 | CPR187F (flat flange) x N(f) Adapter, brass body | 2 |
PENN ENGINEERING | 4052-11B12-NN | $125.00 | WR187 Straight Section, 12 inches length, brass | 1 |
PENN ENGINEERING | 4052-11B3-NN | $65.00 | WR187 Straight Section, 3 inches length, brass | 4 |
PENN ENGINEERING | 4052-11B6-NN | $75.00 | WR187 Straight Section, 6 inches length, brass | 1 |
PENN ENGINEERING | 4052-15B3-NN | $85.00 | CPR187F (flat flange) to WR187 UG-49/U Flange Adapter, brass, 3 inches length | 4 |
PENN ENGINEERING | 964X12 | $175.00 | CPR187F (flat flange) x APC7 Adapter, silver/brass body | 2 |
PRD | 1205 | $150.00 | WR187 Isolator, 20 dB, 3.95-5.85 GHz, 20 Watts maximum | 2 |
PRD | 162-A | $135.00 | WR187 Variable Attenator, 0-20 dB, with guage readout, 6 inches length | 1 |
PRD | 170-B | $200.00 | WR187 Variable Attenuator, 0.5-45 dB, dial guage read, 11.5 inches length | 1 |
PRD | 357 | $100.00 | WR187 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
PRD | 400 | $375.00 | WR187 Narrow Wall Directional Coupler, 23 dB (+/-3 dB) coupling,18" | 1 |
RAYTHEON | CU-735/SPS-5C | $150.00 | WR187 3-port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 20 dB coupling,N(f)coupled port | 1 |
RAYTHEON | TRC170-1 | $195.00 | CPR187 (grooved flanges) Short Loop Coupler, 25 dB coupling, built on a 180 degree H-Plane Bend, 3.62 inches center to center, aluminum | 1 |
RAYTHEON | TRC170-2 | $195.00 | CPR187 (grooved flanges) Short Loop Coupler, 50 dB coupling, built on a 180 degree H-Plane bend, 3.62 inches center to center, aluminum | 1 |
SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA | 12-3.9 | $450.00 | WR187 Standard Gain Horn, 18 dBi gain mid-band | 1 |
SIVERS LAB | SL-5990/61B | $195.00 | WR187 4-Position 4-Port Switch, manually operated, 5-3/16"length | 1 |
SPACE MACHINE | 93D668 | $85.00 | CPR187 (grooved flanges) 90 degree E-Plane Bend, 2 inch bend radius, aluminum | 1 |
SPACE MACHINE & ENG. | WCA187-B14SCF | $145.00 | WR187 (choke flange) x SC(f) Adapter *new old stock* | 1 |
SPACE MACHINE & ENG. | WR187 E 90 | $85.00 | WR187 90 degree E-Plane Bend, 8 inch bend radius, brass, cover/choke flanges | 1 |
SPACE MACHINE & ENGINEERING | 44-00161 | $90.00 | CPR187G (grooved flanges) 90 degree E-Plane Bend, 2 inch bend radius, aluminum | 1 |
SPERRY MICROLINE | 233 | $175.00 | WR187 3-port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 24 dB coupling, brass, 5 inches insertion length | 1 |
SPERRY MICROLINE | 321 | $195.00 | WR187 3-port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 30 dB coupling, brass, 5 inches insertion length | 1 |
SPERRY MICROLINE | 322 | $195.00 | WR187 3-port (terminated) Crossguide Coupler, 40 dB coupling, brass, 5 inches insertion length | 5 |
STRUTHERS | 202A | $295.00 | CPR187 High Power Load, 2000 Watts average/ 1.3 MW peak maximum, 12 inches length | 3 |
STRUTHERS | A2046-16 | $90.00 | WR187 Low Power Termination, 5 Watts maximum, aluminum body, 4.25 inches length, choke flange | 1 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBK-057 | $95.00 | WR187 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBK-310-2 | $75.00 | WR187 Detector Mount for 1N23 diode, N(f) output, 1N23 not included | 3 |
SYSTRON DONNER | DBK-520-15 | $475.00 | WR187 Standard Gain Horn, 15 dBi gain mid-band | 2 |
TECHNICRAFT | WR187 flex 36" | $195.00 | WR187 Jacketed Flexible Waveguide, 36 inches length, silver/brass | 1 |
U-B CORP. | SM-B-683716F | $100.00 | WR187 x N(f) Adapter | 5 |
VARIAN | L187BB-10K | $265.00 | CPR187F (flat flange) Liquid Cooled Load, 500 Watts average/ 10 kW peak, 3/4" NPT inlet & outlet, 6.8 inches length, brass | 1 |
WAVEFLEX | CG-167 | $95.00 | WR187 Jacketed Flexible Section, 12 inches length, brass | 1 |
WAVELINE | 30066-P1 | $125.00 | WR187 Fixed Attenuator, 10 dB, 5 Watts average power, aluminum, 5 inches length, UG407/U input flange/ output flange is drilled for UG407/U and CPR187F | 1 |
WAVELINE | 30119 | $115.00 | WR187 Pressurization Section, 3/8" NPT input with valve and 0-15 PSI guage, 5.75 inches length, aluminum, cover/choke flanges | 2 |
WAVELINE | 30543 | $125.00 | WR187 Straight Section, 12 inches length, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 2 |
WAVELINE | 308 | $245.00 | WR187 Variable Phase Shifter, 0-180 degrees, uncalibrated drive | 1 |
WAVELINE | 308-C | $325.00 | WR187 Variable Phase Shifter, 0-180 degrees. guage read | 1 |
WAVELINE | 31105 | $695.00 | CPR187G (grooved flange) Liquid Cooled Load, 10 kW average/ 1.8 MW peak/30 PSI fluid pressure/ 4 GPM fluid flow, 3/4" NPT inlet & outlet, 17.85 inches length | 1 |
WAVELINE | 322 | $500.00 | WR187 Precision Direct Reading Attenuator, 0-60 dB | 1 |
WAVELINE | 332-2 | $85.00 | WR187 90 degree E-Plane Bend | 3 |
WAVELINE | 333-2 | $85.00 | WR187 90 degree H-Plane Bend | 2 |
WAVELINE | 341 | $65.00 | WR187 Straight Section, 3 inches length, silver/brass, cover/choke flanges | 4 |
WAVELINE | 341-2 | $65.00 | WR187 Straight Section, 3 inches length, silver/brass, cover flanges | 1 |
WAVELINE | 342-06 | $85.00 | WR187 Straight Section, 6 inches length, brass | 1 |
WAVELINE | 353 | $165.00 | WR187 Moving Load, uncalibrated drive | 1 |
WAVELINE | 358 | $325.00 | WR187 Matched Hybrid Tee | 3 |
WAVELINE | 360 | $250.00 | WR187 E-H Plane Tuner, uncalibrated drives | 2 |
WAVELINE | 374-10 | $500.00 | WR187 Directional Coupler, 10 dB coupling *new old stock* | 4 |
WAVELINE | 383 | $175.00 | WR187 Slide Screw Tuner, vernier read | 1 |
WAVELINE | 388 | $495.00 | WR187 High Power Forced Air Cooled Load, 4000 Watts average maximum power | 1 |
WAVELINE | 652381 | $85.00 | CPR187G assymetrical 90 degree H-Plane Bend, 2 inch x 3 inch legs, aluminum, grooved flanges | 2 |
WAVELINE | SM-B-683716 | $100.00 | WR187 x N(f) Adapter | 1 |
WAVELINE | WR187-WR90 taper | $150.00 | WR187 (UG choke flange) to WR90 (UG cover flange) Taper Section, 8.6 inches length, brass | 1 |